"the real treasure "

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains swear words

"There it is, angel oak" kie said as we we're driving not that far away from it.
"Oh, shit! Tide's coming in. John b said while we we're driving through a bunch of mud.
"Hey, wait a second. Look. They already came through here. Those have to be Limbrey's tire tracks. Guys, we gotta go" pope said
"Mmm, what do you think, chief?" JJ asked
"I'm thinking it's looking little dicey." John b answered
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement." JJ said
"Okay, well clearly, they made it. No?" Kie said

"In a two-wheel drive? I don't know about that." JJ said
"Why are ya'll acting like you're not gonna do it anyways? Like when have ya'll ever done the safe thing ?" Sarah asked
"She's got a point" i said
"Speed is your friend here, okay? So put here down in second and hammer down, brother." JJ told john b.
Me me and kie held on to something so that we wouldn't go flying back or some shit.
"Stick to the ground in the middle." Pope told jb
"All right, ready? Here we go." John b said as he started to drive as fast as he could through it.

"Come on. Punch it." JJ told him
"Speed is your friend! You're not fast enough." JJ yelled
"You're fishtaling ready." JJ said
"I know" john b answered
"Not to put any more pressure on you, but if you don't make it through, we'll be stuck here forever." Pope said.
We all cheered as we made it through.
"That's my girl." JJ said talking about the car.
"Excuse me?" I asked
"I- i mean you" he told me
"Sure" i said jokingly.

We pulled over and jj said
"Angel oak is right through here.
All right, so words of the wise definitely know the gatos nest back here, so keep your eyes peeled, okay? You don't wanna step on a mama gator. That's the last thing you want." JJ said while we got out of the car and started to walk.
"They have nests?" Kie asked
"Yeah" JJ answered
"Seems like a good place to park." Sarah said
"All right. You don't wanna be a pat womack. She had her calf chewed off by a gator, right? You know that, right?" JJ asked

"That's actually not true" i said
"Pat womack was injured in a car accident, but i hear you." Sarah said
"Okay, just live in ignorance. But like, she had her calf chewed off by a mama gator. I know that for a fact. They like the blackish water. Wait. Hold on. I see something" JJ said
While looking at the water.
"What are you doing?" Kie asked as jj got a stick and hit the water with it.
"Right. Wake them up, that's smart" sarah said

"I was just making sure it wasn't a gator. That's all, all right?" JJ said.
We kept on walking until we heard men talking and machines. We hid behind a bush and saw rafe and a bunch of men trying to open a hole at the foot of the tree.
"Well, whatever we find, i get my cut." Rafe said.

I stopped listening because their voices irritate me a lot.
I paid attention again when limbrey yelled desperately
"HEY, STOP!" When the machine went aginst something hard.
All the men started to dig it out with their hands and then pulled out a casket.
"They got the cross? What do we do? What do we do?" JJ asked panicking
"What can we do?" John b whisper shouted at JJ.
They started to open up the casket with crowbars.

Once limbrey could see what it was, her smile faded away and she grew worried.
They we're all talking but the only thing that we could hear was
"It's just a corpse"
"We just got the wrong place. We'll go back to the island room. WE'RE GOING BACK! IT'S NOT OVER" everyone got in the cars and trucks and left.
We ran over to the casket and pope got down next to it.
"Cecilia tanny, Denmark's wife. He wasn't talking about the cross. He burried her at the foot of the angel." Pope said while getting up and looking at the tree.

"The true treasure " kie said, after she said that i felt eyes on me so i looked around and saw JJ looking at me peacefully causing me to blush.
"His wife" john B whispered.
Pope started to cry a little on the floor so we sat down next to him.
"Denmark was hung for burying his wife, and nowthey defiled her grave." P"ipe said while whipping away a tear."This Must've been from denmark. Her wedding ring." Sarah said softly while she held a ring in her hand.
"We can't leave her like this." Pope said
"We won't " me and jj said.
We closed the grave and put some pretty flowers on top of it.
We put it underground again.

Stay hydrated and ILY bestie. Say it back.

Word count: 888

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