About Mara

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I've realized that I haven't disclosed much about Mara-or her ethnicity-properly! So here's some info:

Above image is how she looks! (Art by me ofc)

Age: 15
Gender: Bigender (Most of the time she's a girl)
Ethnicity: Afro-Latina
Likes:Food, The Madrigals,dancing, chores, singing, kids.
Dislikes:Abuela, spoilt food, sadness, her house, her parents.

Mara is an unofficial househelp in the Madrigal household, and likes to do chores and attends to Abuela's every need. She likes singing and dancing with Mirabel. She has an older sibling, Her father is Colombian and her mother migrated from Ghana at a young age.
She has a lot of hair, believe it or not, but Abuela forces her to 'keep it under control.'
She rarely ever goes to her house, and sleeps on a mattress, on the floor in the nursery.

She's feisty when she wants to be, but is very kind once you get to know her properly. :)

(image above is Mara with her hair out)!

I hope you guys come to like her more in coming chapters. But for now, Bye!

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