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Eight Years Earlier

"We were just playing, Abuela! I promise!"
Camilo was in the other room, crying.

The three had been playing outside, and Camilo had broken his leg. Of course Abuela blamed it on the two.

Abuela looked down at seven year old Mara and Mirabel, scissors in her hands.
"You hurt Camilo. I dont know why you think you can just come here and do as you like. And your hair! I have told you countless times to get it under control, if you want to play with Camilo. And you."
Abuela turned to Mirabel, annoyance in her eyes.
"You have no gift. So stop trying to ruin the rest of the family members who do. I don't want to see you two together again. Stay away from Camilo."

Mirabel's chin wobbled and tears rolled out of her big eyes.

She ran away, crying.
"Mirabel! Wait-"
Abuela grabbed Mara by her skinny arm and dragged her to her room, forcing her to sit down on a chair at the vanity.
Abuela yanked Mara's head and cut her hair, and Mara screamed, kicked and squealed through  the whole thing.


"This will make you neat and tidy. Stay still."

She didn't stay still, or stop screaming, until Abuela was done.

She looked in the mirror, and barely recognized herself.

Mara thought she was ugly.
She though Abuela had ripped out her heart and soul.

Turning around, she spit at Abuela's feet and screamed,
Abuela slapped her so hard, blood dripped from her nose, staining the floorboards.

She sobbed quietly, tears mixing with the blood .

"That hair was messy, anyway. It would've gotten in the way. Now get out and go to Julieta."

Mara ran out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

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