Chapter 22: Thank you gift.

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Y/n suddently woke up by the alarm clock ringing.

She smiled widely while thinking that she had to wake Jimin up again.

She then took off the blanket from her and got up.

But, suddently it hit her that Jennie came back.

Her smile immediately dropped and she sat down on the bed, sadly.

She rubbed face while sighing.

Y/n: Come on Y/n, it's fine. He is still your freind, right?

She tried to cheer herself up and got up before doing her morning routine.


Everyone ate the breakfast and headed to the living room to send the boys to their work.

As Jennie was helping Jimin to put his coat on, he suddently looked at Y/n who was already looking at him.

Jimin: Y/n, will you make my lunch today too?

Y/n smiled and felt happy that Jimin asked her this.

Jennie frowned internally but decided to stay quiet.

Y/n: Of course, if nobody minds.

Jin scoffed.

Jin: Why will we mind? You are strange.

He said and grabbed his briefcase as the others laughed.

Jimin: Ok then, i'll wait!

He shot his eye smile to Y/n and left the house with Jin.

Y/n smiled to his walking figure and sighed in happiness.

Suddently Jennie asked.

Jennie: Do you send him the lunch?

Y/n looked at her and nodded.

Jennie: Oh, i see. This is good, at least he will not starve himself.

Y/n nodded and headed to the kitchen to see what she could cook for her freind.


Jimin was working when suddently someone knocked on his door.

Jimin: Come in.

He ordered the person and the door opened.

Jungkook showed up with the tiffen.

He walked to Jimin and put down the tiffen on his desk.

Jimin: Thanks, buddy..

Jungkook: You're welcome. Erm, hyung?

Jimin hummed and looked up at him from his file.

Jungkook: I guess there is someone here to give an interview for being Jin hyung's P.A.

Jimin soon remembered.

Jimin: Ohh yes, i forgot about him. Is he waiting for me?

Jungkook nodded.

Jimin: Ok send him.

Jungkook nodded once again and left the room.

Jimin then closed his file and decided to clean his desk a little bit to look presentable.

Soon he heard a knock and Jimin spoke.

Jimin: Come in.

The door opened and a young and tall man showed up.

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