Chapter 27: "A letter?"

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Jennie sat down on the couch when Jin and Jisoo left for uspstairs.

She let some tears fell while gripping her head tightly.

Jennie: How can i tell them this?

She thought and started to sob lightly.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Y/n finished to clean the messy room and sat down on the bed.

Y/n looked at Jimin and spoke.

Y/n: Are you ok?

Jimin hummed.

She nodded.

Y/n: Ok then i'll leave you.

She got up but he quickly spoke.

Jimin: Y/n, wait.

She looked at him.

He got up and walked to her.

Jimin: Please...can you help me to bring my stuffs in one of the guest room?

Y/n frowned.

Y/n: Wait, what? What do you mean?

Jimin: I can't share a room with's impossible.

Y/n approached him.

Y/n: But Jimin, you are both marrie-

Jimin: I don't care, she didn't see her limits when she talked to me like that then why should i?

Y/n tried to explain him but he wasn't, so she gave up.

Y/n: Ok come, let's take your stuff if you want.

Jimin smiled sadly to her.

Jimin: Don't make me fall for you, Ms. Kim...

Jimin thought as Y/n headed into the closet.


Y/n: And here we go, everything is here now!

Y/n said while putting Jimin's last pile of clothes on the bed.

Jimin smiled to her.

Jimin: Thank you Y/n.

Y/n smiled back.

Y/n: Let it go for now, let's go and eat our dinner first.

Jimin sighed and nodded.

They walked out of the room and headed downstairs silently.

As they arrived to the dinning area, they looked around only to see Jin and Jisoo.

Jennie was not here.

Jimin shrugged it off and sat down as Y/n frowned while sitting down too.

She then spoke softly.

Y/n: Oppa...where is Jenn-

Jin: I don't know.

He cut her off with a rude and angerful voice.

Y/n slightly widened her eyes and backed away.

Jisoo then spoke lowly.

Jisoo: I guess she is in the garden.

Y/n made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

Y/n: Should i go and call for her?

Jin looked at her before saying coldly.

Jin: Y/n wheither she will eat on this table or me.

Jimin and Jisoo looked down while sighing as Jin said that.

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