11: You Looked Far Too Comfy for Your Own Good

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A/N: I thought we could start the new year off right. It's not much but I love it tbh.

In honour of Betty White.

"They're both out?" Frank huffed as he leaned in the doorway of the other hotel room, looking at Josh who was sprawled out on his bed with Jim and reading a comic. Josh looked up and nodded, to which Frank let out a huff of annoyance, "Where? They just vanished."

"Da- Ty went to get some takeout and G went to fetch his dry cleaning. Some dickhead accidentally spilled coffee on him today."

Frank frowned, "Why didn't he send me?"

"You were having a nap." Josh grinned, "He didn't wanna disturb you. Apparently, you looked far too comfy for your own good."

Frank closed the door behind him and waltzed over, flopping down on the other bed, "Josh?"


Frank pursed his lips anxiously, "Can I ask you something?"

Josh sat up a little more against the plush headboard and set his comic book down. He gave Frank a warm smile, "'Course you can."

Frank sighed softly, "How can I be more like you?"

"L-Like me?" Josh frowned deeply, "What about me?"

"Just, y'know, you're... Perfect." Frank whispered and looked down at his hands.

"P-Perfect? Frank, I'm not-" Josh trailed off as a frown settled in his brows, "What makes you think that?"

"Jesus, fuck, where do I start?" Frank snorted and gestured at the muscled submissive with a wave of his hand, "The body, the muscles, the face, the behavior, the temperament. A shorter list would be things that make you imperfect."

"You have a list of my imperfections?" Josh frowned deeply as he toyed with his bracelet.

"Well, the top of the list used to be that you fucked my partner but... I've come to realize you weren't at fault."

"So what's on the top of your list now?" Josh whispered as Frank walked over to sit on a nearby armchair.

Frank ran his tongue stud against the back of his teeth a few times, the feeling itching his anxious brain, "I-I don't have a list. I can't think of anything."

It was Josh's turn to snort derisively, "Sure."

"What would you put on your list of imperfections, then?"

Josh purses his lips, "I don't like my eyes, my hooked nose, my height, my anxiety, my hands, my voice..."

"You have nice eyes." Frank shrugged as he sat up, playing casually with his toes as he crossed his legs, "Why don't you like them?"

"Don't like the shape." He muttered, "Don't mind that they're just brown; Ty likes them."

"I do, too." Frank offered him a smile, "Your nose suits your face anyways. You've got all those sharp angles and cheekbones and stuff, you'd look weird with a little button nose."

Josh laughed softly, "Yeah I guess. Like a randomised avatar."

"What's wrong with your height? You're not short, I'm short." Frank smiled, "I don't think height determines anyone's authority or masculinity. You and I are shorter so it's easier to receive forehead kisses."

"I don't get forehead kisses." Josh looked up with a smile, "Ty isn't a kisser."

"At all?" Frank blurted out in surprise.

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