fries before guys

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Hello loves! I know that you're going to smack my head for not posting an update... But here's the thing.

So, basically, I couldn't finish the fifth chapter on my PC, so I wrote the last part of the chapter on my phone. And wattpad being the bitch that it is made the last chapter private - so the only persons that can see the chapter are me and my followers. BUT YEAH I FIXED IT BECAUSE I'M A BAD BITCH AND YOU COULDN'T GET RID OF ME EVEN IF YOU WANTED TO

You know, this thing bothered me more than you guys because AJ's retirement brought lots of sadness and I kinda wanted to bring (or at least try to) a smile on your faces by updating so soon.

Alright, thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter :).

I'm going to keep this thing here just to remind myself to NEVER EVER update from my phone explicit chapters again. :)

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