cheating baes & crying gays

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you thought I was kidding? ha

hi hi it is I burrito ready to pay my debts

gotta admit i'm a little late for the party

Chapter ten - cheating baes & crying gays

So, I had a suggestion that is in a finished chapter, but I'm not sure wheter to post it or not, because the chapter overall - directed to abusive relationships and twin brothers - it's a little too offensive. Therefore, I'm gonna roll with this until I make up my mind.

Okay. So. I'm gonna keep it short with the cheating because I want to focus more on gay ffs than the cheating.

Oh, cheating. Honestly I'm so lazy to write about it because I'm 70000% done with it in prologues. Like, is there no way to start a goddamn story except Carolina walking on John Cena cheating on her? Well, okay, let's say he cheated whatever and that starts to make Carolina insecure about herself. Or afraid of being cheated on again, therefore not trusting men anymore and stuff.

As long as it gives her some depth, okay, do it.

But if the next chapter she kisses Dean.



And that's all because I'm really done with the subject and y'all need an update ASAP.

So, wanna know why I posted so late, to be honest? I'm this close to publishing that fanfic and I wanted to shamelessly promote it here lol because more people are reading this than following me, so yeah. But then I was like screw it Imma do it in another chapter.

Alright. Let's state the main problem now.

Recently I've gone really deep into the gay tag - and let me tell you - it's magical.

However, there are some things that bother the everlasting fuck out of me, and that's what I'll vent off about in this magical day.

1.) One of the MC's acting constantly like a teenage girl on her period who ran out of oreos.

like can you please stop

He's always crying for the most basic shit, runs away, gets upset 21/1.

But has Your Nastiness seen a gay guy in real life? Nah.

A gay guy is a simple guy who likes to get it with people of the same sex. Just because he is gay doesn't mean that he cries about everything and needs constant protection. Jeez.

2.) One of the guys is always bullied/ beaten up half to death but there's the other MC ready to save him 24/7 !!!!!!!

"Please, stop!" Seth screamed as a random brainless jock that you never heard of stomped on his glasses.

"Or what, faggot? Whatcha' gonna do?" the jock mocked before delivering a nasty blow to Seth's jaw.

The jock continued hitting Seth, who did nothing but stand there and cry, suicidal thoughts running through his head. Was such a sin that he was gay? He was still a human but the rest of the world saw him as something else. And it wasn't like he was asking for pity or people to support him, he knew that this world is full of judgemental people, but in those sleepless nights, where guiltness would wash over his body, only he knew how desperatly he needed a gentle touch or a sweet nothing whispered in his his ear. But he also knew that it could never happen. He was just a sin trapped in a human body.

Or at least, they made him believe he was.

whoops soz i got a little carried away

And as hits were aimed in his direction, he gave up. There was no point in screaming for help, as he was used to everytime this would happen, they made him believe every white lie they told, and in that moment he decided to let the pain end.

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