A new promise

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Nanami drags out a sigh when he turns his back on another murder scene. The villains once again avoid leaving any evidence of themselves other than the bloodshed. But one thing that stands out is the lack of gun shells. Is Y/L/N not partaking in these killings? What has she been doing exactly?

The moment Nanami recovered from his wounds, he dived right into work. Gojo and Nanami left no stone unturned wherever they went. The two along with other sorcerers managed to collect nine Sukuna fingers. They're unsure how many the villains have found of their own. But it must be something equivalent.

The amount of crimes seemed to have doubled since Y/L/N's joined them. Nanami can only assume that there are two separate teams carrying out a certain goal. One to find Sukuna fingers and the others capturing the innocents for Mahito's benefit. The one's that are deemed unworthy are left brutalized unrecognizable. Nanami couldn't stomach this huge amount of unjustified death.

He glances at the watch Yaga's given him five months ago. Every so often the watch would blink with a location of Y/L/N's whereabouts. When Yaga first initially told Gojo and Nanami about this watch, Nanami couldn't understand. Why would Y/L/N continue to wear a bracelet that she knows full well has a GPS in it? Is she mocking them to catch her before she vanishes when they arrive?

Or is she hoping they would come and save her? If it's the latter, that idiot has gone and formed a plan by herself. A plan that easily puts her in grave danger if she acts a second too early or late.

"Nanami, let's take the rest of the day off." Gojo wraps his arm around Nanami's shoulder, pulling the man close with a playful smirk. "We've been working nonstop. I think this calls for a bro-date."

Nanami furrows his brows, shrugging Gojo's shoulder off of him. "You and the word date do not belong in the same sentence when it pertains to me." Nanami easily rejects Gojo's plans. He strides over to his car, unlocking it for the two. "Besides, I don't feel comfortable taking a break when our mission is going on still."

Gojo stops Nanami by grabbing his right shoulder, jerking the blonde man back. Nanami is unable to move when he's under Gojo's power. Nanami clicks his tongue, his nostrils flaring. "Misusing your techniques again, Gojo?"

Gojo shrugs a lopsided smirk on his face. "If it's the only way I get your attention." The silver haired man walks around Nanami, stopping in front of him. "Listen, we've both overworked ourselves for the last few months. All I'm asking is to have a few drinks with a friend."

Nanami averts his eyes from Gojo, mumbling the word 'friend' under his breath. Gojo pats Nanami on the shoulder, exhaling. "I know it's hard for you to accept that I'm a good friend. But trust me, I'm a friend you need right now. We can't keep working without relishing in some desires to keep us motivated."

Gojo drags Nanami along into Nanami's car. He doesn't release his gravity hold on him until the two fasten their seatbelts. "That said desire being food and alcohol." Gojo smirks. "If you're still hungry, I'm sure I can ring up a few girls at a love hotel."

Nanami raises a hand to silence Gojo. "Yours and my desires are different, Gojo. But I appreciate your offer. I'll stick to the food and beers. You're free to release yourself after."

Gojo rolls his eyes, crossing his legs. "C'mon Nanamin. Loosen up a bit. You're a single man. I'm sure you crave the attention of love and sexual pleasure." Nanami grunts at Gojo's statement.

"Can we not talk about this?" Nanami slows the car down to a stop for a red light. Gojo snickers, not dropping the conversation. "Why? I'm actually interested about this topic. It's just us guys here. What position do you prefer? Is there a kink you're ashamed about? Or--"

Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose. He readjusts his sunglasses and shakes his head. "The one time I wish Y/L/N were here..." He murmurs under his breath, more to himself than to Gojo. Gojo forms a lopsided smirk from the mention of Y/L/N.

"What was that? You daydream about Y/L/N sexually?" Gojo teases, knowing full well this will bring out a reaction within Nanami. Nanami chokes on the saliva he swallows. A blush creeps on his pale face.

"Shut up. You shouldn't pull her into the conversation when she can't defend herself. The idiot is probably entranced by that Suguru lookalike. It has been five months. She might've changed into someone we don't even recognize." Nanami speaks more seriously despite Gojo's playful antics.

The conversation shifts in mood. A chilly silence fills the car with the ambient sounds of the city. Nanami tightly grips onto the steering wheel, his beady brown eyes staring at the traffic. "You think she's changed? Maybe she's still the same old Y/L/N. She's too stubborn to change in a mere five months." Gojo speaks up from the silence.

Nanami shrugs, an exhale slipping past his lips. "It'll be a surprise when we do see her again." Gojo clears his throat, he attempts to lighten the mood again. "Since Christmas is this month, let's exchange gifts. What do you say?"

Nanami pulls his eyes away from the streets ahead to stare at Gojo. An unamused expression written on his face. "A gift? From you? I'd rather not. You'll just buy me a bunch of snacks that I won't have the pleasure to eat."

Gojo rolls his eyes, snickering under his breath. "It's a joint gift that we can get for each other."

"That's not how Christmas gift exchanging works Gojo." Nanami utters out. He turns the corner, entering heavier traffic. Gojo waves off Nanami's pessimistic attitude.

"Well I'm not a traditional guy like you Nanami. The gift we both want for Christmas is Y/L/N. We'll make sure to bring her home safely." Gojo speaks in a gentle tone, his blue eyes staring out of the passenger window. Nanami loosens his grip on the steering wheel, his shoulders relaxing.

He looks at Gojo from the corner of his eye. Gojo's just as upset as Nanami is for letting Y/L/N walk down the path she currently is. He tends to forget about how Gojo is feeling about the whole ordeal. "You especially. What knight in shining armor lets the princess get captured?" Nanami attempts to cheer Gojo up.

Gojo perks up when he hears Nanami's words. A childlike smile plastering on his face. "I won't let it happen again. No matter who I have to kill. So let's make a promise to one another. To bring Y/L/N back home on Christmas."

Nanami nods, a tiny smile curling on his face. "Alright. It'll be a Christmas miracle if we do."

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