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I woke up and quickly got my silver jacket and my dark brown breeches. I put my hair in a bun and knocked on Mia's door. She opened the door, again looking perfect just like always.

" Hey, lets go eat some food." I followed Mia downstairs. I had some French toast, with hash brown and some watermelon. Mia and I ate in silence. Today was going to be interesting.

" Who are those girl you were talking to?" I asked Mia as she ate her bagel and eggs.

" Oh you mean Kelly and Mary?" Mia took a sip of orange juice. " Before I went to Foxford they used to be my best friends. They might try to scare you, but you would be used to it by now." Mia cleaned off her new riding boots.

" Hey stop...." I started. Not this again, I can't deal with anyone being mean to me right now.

" I was joking. Anyway they have their own horses. Star and Dan. Star is Mary's and Dan is Kelly's. We are just going to ride with them. It's not like they are going to hate you." Mia laughed. I felt uneasy about this. Maybe they are like the old Mia before I got to know her. Who knows, I don't really think that they will be nice to me in anyway.

" Okay... I just hope that they don't make fun of me." I looked at Mia.

" If you are with me, then you're cool." Mia said finishing her food.

" I hope so." I muttered, checking to make sure that I had my cross country vets that Mia told me to bring just in case.

" You ready?" Mia asked. Her hair was in a flawless ponytail and she was wearing a light purple warmup jacket with white breeches and dark brown chestnut boots. She was like a fashionista rider.

" As if I will ever be." I followed Mia out the door. Her mom drove us over back to the stables. The same glossy wooden stables. The girl with the black hair was catching her huge black Thoroughbred that eyed me yesterday. He was wearing a dark blue halter and baby blue polo wraps. Geez, he was tall.

" Mia! And who ever you're name is." The girl rushed up to Mia and gave her a hug. She was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and light cremè breeches. Of course she didn't even bother to learn my name.

" Is this really Dan? How Kelly he grew!" Mia smiled at her old friend. Dan looks like a nervous wreck.

" I know. I am so proud of our progress." Kelly grinned showing her horse off. Dan looked so nervous and frightened. He raised his head and whined, stomping his foot on the ground. Wonder why he is acting like this, seems like the kind of horse who easily spooks.

" I haven't ridden him in a while. Want to go on a trial ride with me and Mary? She is getting Star ready." Kelly looked over her shoulder as Mary trotted her smaller light grey mare over to us. Mary had her brown hair in a side braid, that looked amazing with her light brown polo shirt and crisp black breeches with crazy patterns on them.

" Hey Mia. Star needs to do something other than practicing. Maybe just a fun trail ride." Star snorted and bucked. " Whoa girl. You alright?" Mary petted her light grey horse. Star seemed to be catching on to Dan's nervousness.

" Okay, let me and Ashley get our horses all tacked up and we will meet you out on the trails." Mia and I took off to the barn and walked in. The sounds of horses and the smell of hay calmed me. Beautiful grey, blacks and champagne horses filled each stall. They all looked so pretty. Mia jogged down the aisle looking for our horses. Maybe this trial ride won't turn out to be as bad as I think.

" Watson!" I called. A soft nicker answered my call. I smiled and took of running to Watson's stall. I rested my head on his blaze. I sighed and hugged him. He licked my shoulder. It felt so good to be reunited with my horse again. Too bad Blue Rose couldn't come.

Wildwood Book 3 Christmas BreakWhere stories live. Discover now