Best Night Ever!

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I walked back to my room and started to unpack my clothes. I put them into the closet, taking out my pj's that I was going to wear.  Mia walked into my room and sat on the bed.

" Cute pajamas, but you need different clothes for tomorrow." Mia was wearing a purple shirt and some matching shorts with neon green stripes on the sides. 

" Were going shoping right?" I asked. Mia nodded.

" And riding at my old stable. I had Lark and Watson to stay down there, Mrs. Kale said it was okay." Mia smiled, just like me she missed her horse. My phone buzzed. It was Callie.

Ashley could we talk? Plz? ~ C

I gripped my phone and also threw it across the room. Mia noticed me and gave me a look.

" Callie I am guessing?" Mia asked. 

" She asked me if we could talk, I just don't want to hear her apoligize." Sadness filled my voice. 

" I understand. I mean maybe she really wasn't a real friend. Real friends don't get jealous if you hang out with other people." Mia said. I nodded and sighed.

" Yeah, maybe your right." I said.

" Come on, lets go to the living room and watch a movie." Mia and I walked down stairs. The living room was huge, about the size of my basement at home.

A champage colored rug covered the who living room. The couch was a creme leather and had some paperwork on it. The table right next to the couch was covored in decoration pinecones and Lilly fowers in polished pots.

Mia and I  put some fuzzy blankets, pillows and a big stack of DVDs on the floor.

" I am kinda hungry, have any popcorn?" I asked. 

" Umm, you just want popcorn?" Mia rolled her eyes. " We have tons of junk food, follow me." I followed Mia into her dream home kitchen.

The light white granite and birch wood cabinets looked perfect against the stone backsplash, even the grey marble tiles made the kitchen pop. The double fridge and huge oven was impressive. 

" Where is the snacks?" I asked. Mia opened a small closet and junk food filled the black racks and tubs. M&Ms, Skittles, Kettle Popcorn, Extra Butter Popcorn, Chocolate bars, Sour Patch Kids, Cheese Puffs, Chips, Ribbon Candy and even Doughnuts, any kind of junk food/ candy you could think of Mia had it. I starred like a owl at the food store that had almost everything in stock.

" I will get some soda, we have other drinks too like lemonade or ice tea. Do you want any cake, ice cream cake or just some ice cream sundays? We also have brownies and fudge pops." Mia closed the freezer door and looked at me waiting for a anwser.

" Oh umm, all of the above?" I asked. Mia laughed.

" I don't want to get sick or anything but I think that ice cream cake, with whip cream and chocolate bars sounds good." Mia took two cans of Coke out and on the Island. 

" Why are we just talking about it? Get this stuff out here!" Mia and I laughed and grabbed our sodas, brownies and icecream cake and went back into the living room to watch a movie.

" What movie do you want to watch?" I looked at all the movie titles,  The Parent Trap, and some older movies like Lady In The Tramp. Mia and I both looked at the same movie.

" Monster Ink!" Mia and I said at the same time. I loved that movie, one of my favorites when I was little. I took my fork and scooped the Ice cream cake, brownies and parts of the chocolate bar into my mouth. Yum. 

Mia and I laughed the whole time. This was like a movie with Callie. I was relaxed and really having fun with Mia, like she was my best friend. 

After the movie was over I started yawning. I felt stuffed, I let out a load burp. 

" Wow Ashley, could you be less gross?" Mia rolled her eys and started to hickup. 

Mia and I bursted out laughing. This made my stomic hurt even more. When Mia and I finished our food, we went back to get some chips and two new cans of sprite. 

" Ugh I feel so sick, maybe it wasn't worth it eating all that good food." Mia said looking over at me, Mia was sooo wrong! I crossed my arms and glared at her. " Okay, okay maybe it was worth it." Mia and I giggled and chatted around for about another hour or so till it was past ten.

" I am about to fall asleep."  I yawned again.

" Same here, we better go to bed. Its almost midnight." Mia and I walked back upstairs and into our rooms. 

I got into the pretty bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

Who knew being with Mia was so much fun?


Comment any thoughts on this chapter, OMG Mia has SO MUCH FOOD! :P


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