New Horse

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Mia woke up around the same time I did. Mia's mom made us waffles with strawberries on top. I poured the maple syrup on the waffles, mixing it with the butter and powdered sugar.

Mia added some black berries on hers. I took a huge bit of the deliciousness, some syrup dripped on to the table.

" Ewww gross." Mia laughed. I rolled my eyes, unable to hide my smile. I wiped the mess up, finishing my breakfast. Mia and I left our plates on the table.

" Thank you." I told Mia's mom.

" No problem." She smiled.

Mia looked at her Instagram, at a new post. She handed me her phone, taking a sip of orange juice. Kellylove44 ( New Horse!!!!!) It showed us a photo of a Kelly with a lead rope in her riding clothes. I looked over at Mia, be both knew exactly what we were going to do today.

I put on my light blue breeches with my grey sweatshirt. Mia had her black breeches on with a pink polo shirt and black boots. Her hair was braided with a white ribbon tied on the ends. 

She did my hair in no braided crown and then tried it off into a black hair elastic. We walked out into the car where Mia's sister drove us, because her mom was busy.

I followed Mia out of the car with my helmet. I looked at the huge trailer that held Kelly's new horse. Kelly and Mary turned to look at us.

" What are they doing here?" Mary snapped.

" Obviously coming to drool over my new horse. Let them be." Kelly said. Mia and I stood watching as a large dark brown/reddish chestnut stallion came out of the trailer. He was about 18 hands. Huge horse, way bigger than Dan. 

" Is that really her new horse?" I whispered to Mia.

" She won't be able to handle him." Mia rolled her eyes as Kelly smirked, leading her new horse in the ring. She quickly tacked him up. The horse flattened his ears against his head taking a step back from Kelly. 

" This isn't going to end good." I sighed as Kelly mounted on. The horse darted off into a canter. Kelly smacked her crop against his side and halted him. 

" What is his name?" I asked Mary.

" Cole." Mary answered, not taking her eyes off Cole and Kelly. Kelly trotted, and turned him around in a circle. Cole raised his head and slid to a halt, refusing to go over the jumps. Kelly kicked him into a canter. Cole flattened his ears with dislike and snapped himself over the three jumps. Kelly smiled just a little too soon.

 Cole bolted and flew into a gallop. Cole started bucking, so flexible as if it was a sport. Kelly went flying off and smacked into the dirt in the ring. I gasped as she got up, and smacked the crop against Cole. Cole glared at Kelly with so much hate, it sent chills down my spine.

Kelly mounted on and Cole bucked again. This time Kelly was ready for it and snapped her crop and healed him to a canter. Cole snorted and ran. I watched, unable to move. Kelly screamed as she fell off. Before Cole could kick her she took a whip and whacked his heels. 

" STOP!" I yelled. Poppy ran and took Kelly out of the ring. Cole was bucking and rearing as if he was a wild horse. I opened the ring gait. Cole slowed to a walk and walked over to face me. He looked at me, as if trying to figure me out. 

" You okay?" I asked. Cole blinked at me flicking his ear forwards. I wanted to try riding him. I mounted on and sat on Kelly's expensive saddle. I heeled Cole to a slow trot. He moved at the slightest turn with the reins. I sat deeper and Cole flew to a canter. 

Kelly crossed her arms and watched me with annoyance. Cole flicked an ear back as I led him to the jumps. He raised in the air, flying perfectly over the first jump. He was different from Watson, he was a horviranian jumper horse.

He barely made a sound as he landed in the soft dirt ring, he trusted me to get him over each jump. I slowed him to a walk, letting Kelly take the reins.

" Never again ride my horse." Kelly snapped, mounting on and pushing Cole to a canter. Cole snorted and listened. He had the smoothest canter out of all the horses that I have ridden. 

I watched as Cole lapped the ring and finally started having a better behavior towards Kelly controlling him. It was obvious that he didn't like her, but was putting up with her. Kelly grinned, as he flew over each oxer with power and swiftness. 

" Like I said, he is the perfect horse. Way better than stupid old Dan." Kelly dismounted and dropped the reins for her special grooms to take care of. Mia glared at her, still upset over Dan. Kelly walked away, not bothering to take care of her new horse. Cruel owner.

Cole lowered his head, he looked so lonely, as if he knew that Kelly didn't care about him. I rubbed his sweaty shoulder. I glanced up at the groom who held the fancy Italian leather reins.

" I will take him back to his stall for you." I said. The groom hesitated before handing me the black reins. Mia followed me as I walked into the barn with Cole. One of a huge stalls had Cole's name plate on it. I lead Cole into his stall and took his bridle off. I looked at the painful bit. 

No wonder he is in such a bad mood when Kelly was riding him, she keeped on yanking his mouth off. I rubbed his nose and took the rest of the tack off, putting it in the tack room. When I came back Kelly was glaring at me. She watched me groom her horse, that she should be grooming herself. 

" Hey." Kelly hissed as I hugged Cole. I didn't want to listen to that little horse abuser brat.

" What? Just taking care of your horse that you should be spending time with. If you don't take care of him then Cole will end up just like Dan did." I ignored her protest and walked away.


authors note : 

Sorry for the really short chapter, I was running out if ideas. Don't worry, I have more tricks up my sleeves. Lol. Comment & Like 💕 ~ Countrygirl1055

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