Leaving For Good ( Last Chapter)

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Mia caught up to me as I reached the stables. I helped her put Annie away. I took my tack and put in into the cardboard box. Mia watched me not saying anything. My dad pulled into the driveway, already stopped at Mia's house getting all my stuff. Mia hugged me.

" Listen, I see the way you ride, you are a amazing rider. Don't give it up unless that is what you really want." Mia whispered. I nodded, my mouth felt as if it was glued shut. 

I got into the car and watched as Mia got smaller and smaller. I realized what I needed to do.

" WAIT!" I yelled. My dad slowed the car down and gave me a confused look.

" What? Did you leave something?" My dad asked. I looked out the window, we were already far away from the stables. It was too late to tell her that I didn't want to give up riding, and.... Now it's too late for that. I have no choice, I have to give it up. 

I rested my head on the side of the car, watching as small droplets streamed down the side of the car. The wet dark grass zoomed by us. I sighed, I just left everyone and everything behind. Dylan my cute boyfriend, Mia, my ex friend Callie, Watson, Blue Rose and now my riding. Time to start a new life, a new image, not a rider, someone who isn't me, someone who is totally different. A redneck? Popular girl? Drama queen? I will decide when I get to the house and meet new friends at the school. 

I put my put my blue earbuds in my ear and put a song country song on. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I was in the back seat, and most of my stuff is up front. I skimmed through my photos on my iPod. A photo of me on Watson with my first blue ribbon, another one of me and Watson jumping, and my favorite one of Watson in the gleaming sunlight on his back with his bright dark blue halter on. More tears streamed down my cheeks. 

I went to the more recent photos. A photo of me and Callie, a photo of Dylan and me with both of our horses in the background, and Mia me and her horse Lark. I went to my homescreen, a photo of Blue Rose resting her head against mine. My throat filled with tears. I cracked and started crying. 

I was really going to miss all of this. I looked at the one of me and Dylan, my finger pressed delete. I pressed delete of the one of me and Callie. And the one of me and Watson on our first day of competition. I deleted all the photos of me, my old friends and school. I only left one photo, the one of Watson and Blue Rose together out in the pasture, Blue Rose and Watson were looking in each others eyes and touching noses. 

I sighed, I couldn't delete the last photo of my horses. I changed my background to a dark black broken heart to show my mood. I turned my iPod off and closed my eyes, listening to my country music.

There is no going back now, might as well hang on to the last part of me that I have left, before I change everything and my past.


Authors Note: 

Hey guys! So this is the last chapter, and also I am going to have an epilog to this, a small sneak peak into the next book. But, it's going to be a random chapter part and that will be the surprise.  

Since this is the third book that I have finished, please comment on what you think and what you liked about my writing style. I am sorry for the super sad ending. But, it will make the next book a whole lot better trust me on this. 

Comment & Like! It will tell me if you really did like this book

~ Countrygirl1055 :)

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