One Last Ride

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After I calmed down, Mia handed me a lemonade drink. I took a sip of it, still shaken up from Watson being taken away. Mia looked at me with a weird stare. I watched as she brought too tacked up horses out of the barn. 

" No.... Mia..." Mia cut me off.

" If you are actually going to give up riding, just go on one last ride with me before you move." Mia held out the reins for me to take.

" I am not getting up on that horse." I crossed my arms stubbornly.

" You are, and you will. I don't care if I have to pull you on the horse. You can even ride Lark if you want." Mia said.

" It's going to hurt too much." I whimpered.

" Does it look like I care? Come on, one last time." Mia forced her horses reins in my hands and mounted on the other horse named Annie. I hesitated as I looked into Lark's eyes. She sneezed.

I couldn't hide my small smile. Horses do make me feel better, but nothing will get rid of the guilt and the far away sadness in Watson's eyes as the trailer left.

" Get on. Now." Mia growled. I sighed and put my foot in the stirrup, using my other one to boost me up and on to the saddle. The new fresh black leather had a golden plate carved into it saying Mia Carter. Pretty.

 " Who's tack are you using?" I asked as I pushed lark to a walk.

" Yours." Mia reply was short. 

" Oh." I muttered. The landscape was just amazing, the way the light lifted the grass and the trees had perfect light shade. I healed Lark to a gallop, Mia followed my lead. I held to to Larks mane as we ran across the field. A big fence came up and Lark didn't even flinch as we landed on the other side. I heard hoof beats past us as Annie and Mia darted away from us. Lark ran, almost as if a racing horse. I let go of the reins and let my arms loosely go in the air as if I was on a rollercoaster. Mia laughed as we caught up to her, flecks of mud splattered on our faces. Neither of us cared. I wish that this day would last forever.

Lark jumped a creek and kept her speed the same. Mia looked like a jockey as Annie a black thoroughbred ran around a tree. As if a contest we both ran straight for the big grey rock. I tried to slow Lark as we got closer and she instead expanded herself over the rock and slowed to a trot, then a walk. Mia stood her horse right next to me. 

" Thanks, this was really fun. I am going to miss this." I sighed.

" Hey Ashley, you don't have to stop riding." Mia said, dismounting and looping the reins on a tree branch. I did the same.

" I know, but it feels like this is the only way to give myself what I deserve." I kicked a stone into the small lake.

" You think you deserve this?" Mia glared at me.

" I do, Watson and Blue Rose are gone. So what is the point of riding anymore?" I asked.

" You can get new horses." Mia said.

" I don't want new horses, if they are going to end up like Watson and Blue Rose." I sat down on a log.

" You don't know that." Lark snorted, agreeing with Mia.

" I just don't want my heart broken again. Is that too much to ask? It's not your choice." I snapped.

" Yeah I know. But you are making the wrong one. What would Watson want you to do? Give up riding just because of him going to a different home? He wants you to be happy and if that means getting new horses, then Blue Rose would agree too." Mia took a rock and skipped it into the silver river.

" I can't do this anymore. Riding isn't my sport, obviously I am just wasting my time trying to become a better rider."  handed Larks reins back to Mia, avoiding her graze I started to walk back to the stables where my dad would be waiting for me with my bags packed. This time I am really leaving, far away from my crushed dreams and ruined future. Good bye old life, Watson and Blue Rose. Hello new crap of a life.


Author's Note:

ONE OR TWO CHAPTERS LEFT! Okay so what do you guys think of the book? Mia is a really nice friend who is just trying to help Ashley not give up riding, which she is going to do. I just got back from riding today and I am so happy! Inky was naughty, but at the end we got to canter and I felt free. It was amazing, I honestly can't give riding up. No way. Comment & Like of you are exited for the next book, Everything Gone.

~ Countrygirl1055

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