The Worst News Possible

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I took a yogurt out of the fridge and tossed one to Mia. After yesterday everything started to go down hill. I felt like Mia and I have gotten closer as friends. I opened it, putting berries in the plain vanilla cup. 

" Hey I have a perfect idea." Mia looked at me and grinned.

" What?" I asked.

" Let's go outside in the woods behind my house. It's really pretty." Mia sprinted for the door. I ran and almost tripped. We smiled at eachother as we ran for the gleaming trees. Sticks and small acorns on the dark grass. I saw a huge tree. I grabbed the lowest branch and gave Mia a boost up. 

" How is the view up there?" I asked as she finally made it to the top. My phone buzzed in my pocket. 

" Hello?" I answered the call.

" Hi sweety. Umm... Me and you're father have to tell you something." I heard my dad agree.

" Am I on speaker phone?" I glanced up and Mia who gave me a confused look.

" Honey, so next semester you won't be going to Foxford." My dad said. I clutched the phone tighter.

" What do you mean?" I asked nervously lowering my voice.

" We have decided to move...." My mom's voice trailed off.

" Move? Where?" Uncertainty scratched at my throat.

" We aren't moving together, we have gotten a divorce. You will be living with your dad." My mom told me. I swallowed my tears, unable to speak.

" I know that this is kinda sudden but  you will have to sell your horses too." My dad said sadly. 

" NOOO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled fear shooting through me.

" Ash..." I slammed my phone on the ground hanging up on them. I fell to the ground sobbing. I couldn't fight back anymore against the tears that rushed over me. Mia still in the tree, closed her eyes with sorrow, hearing the awful news. 

I am going to be living with my dad, all because my mom choose another guy over us. Over me, over my dad and over Watson. She ruined my life, nothing will be the same ever again. I won't have any horses, now I won't compete in states, and now everything will be gone. Everything that I even know and loved, all gone, vanishing in thin air. The worst part is that it happened without warning.


PS: The next chapters will be longer! Sorry if it's too short!

So now you know what the next book will be about, even though I am not finished with this book yet I thought I would give you a hint to what is going to happen. Ashley has lost everything, her friends, her fancy riding school and now her own two horses Watson & Blue Rose all because of her mom. Comment & like ~ Countrygirl1055 ❤

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