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"Can I get my book back?" I barge into Kusuo's room.
'What the hell?! Where'd you come from?' Kusuo looked up from his book.
"Did you forget again? I can teleport, dummy." I walked over to his bed and simply took MY book from his hands.
'Hey, I was reading that!' Kusuo exclaimed, attempting to reach for the book but failed due to me putting it behind my back.
"But it's MY book, Kusuo. I'm in the middle of it too! You can have it back when I'm done." I put the book up to my chest and hugged it tightly to keep it safe.
'Fine.'Kusuo groans and drops his hand onto his lap.
"Thank you, Ku." I smile and ruffle his hair. Kusuo just rolls his eyes and slaps my hand away.
'How many times do I have to tell you to not touch my head?' Kusuo looked up at me with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.
"It's not like you'll do anything." I shrugged, twirling a strand around my pointer finger.
'You really think that?'he questioned and I nodded.
"Mhmmm." I continued to ruffle and pat his head. His hair is super soft.
'Y/n.' he mumbled and thought for a moment before he started tickling me.
"H-HEY!" I laughed, falling onto his bed. He went above me and tickled me more. "K-KUSUO! S..STOP!" I shouted, not being able to breathe.
Kusuo then stopped tickling me and had his hands gripped on my wrists against the bed.
We stared at each other for a few moments. It was dead silent... well- the only thing you could hear was my panting.
'She has pretty eyes- wait what the hell am I thinking? I don't think this about anyone.. and she's Y/n, I can't like her.' Kusuo thought.
"F-fine.. I won't p..pat your head." I said out of breath, breaking the silence.
'Finally.' he sat up and patted my head rather roughly.
"Ow." I winced, rubbing my head gently. He just smirked and continued to read the book he stole from me.
"Kusuo!" I shouted and snatched the book from his hands once again, hugging it to my chest.