Day 2

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In a horror house, where the mother and father cared nothing for their child. He whimpered and turned in his bed. Tears threatened to leave his eyes in his sleep. He was being chased, but he didn't have the courage to look back. 

He kept running, with all his strength he pumped his legs, remembering how he ran away from his bullies. Hearing them scream at him to come back and meet his fate. The monster that was chasing him roared at him with intense rage. He keep his head low running and running. Till he came to a cliff. He stopped himself before he left, he was breathing hard, he turned around. With doing so he saw the monster about to grab him. 

He awoke with terror in his eyes, he held onto Shmee as though he was his last hope. In the corner of his eye, he saw the window open and his neighbor stuck his head through the windows creak. 

Squee back into the wall, like he was trying to be unnoticed. His neighbor looked at him and smiled. Stepping closer to the boy, him towering over him wasn't helping his fear over this person. "Hello, Squee!" He said smiling his creepy smile. 

Squee took a deep breath and tried to build up the well to speak. "Hello, mister." Squee smiled very brightly, he could put the sun out of his job. That is, if he wanted to. Johnny looked at him questionably and laughed. "Mister, you making me sound old. My name is Johnny."

Once he was done dying of laughter he looked back at Squee with a thoughtful look. He frowned a bit looking at Squee. He shook at the sight of him. "Well...I heard screaming. So.....are you okay?" Squee looked up, asking himself whether he should tell him. "Squee, he's dangerous. Don't do it." Squee glared at him. "Like you're any better, you told me to kill my parents."

"You know they deserve it.He wasn't wrong, but he believed in his parents. False hope, that's what he thought at the back of his mind. During their little conversation, Johnny sat there and listened. "Does that thing talk to you." He was a kid so he could have been just using his imagination. 

Then again he had Mr.Fuck and Dough-boy. Squee looked down at Shmee. "Your going to think i'm going to think I am crazy, like my parents do." He said looking at his bed. "They said they were going to take me to a mental hospital and that I was sick."

Johnny put the back of his hand one Squee's head. " You don't feel sick or look sick."  This made Squee flinched. But then he giggled. "No silly, they mean sick in the head, they think i'm crazy."

Johnny was surprised on how calm he was when he said that. "Well....I think your just fine." He said smiling. Sure, was creepy but he was slowly getting use to it. Johnny then looked up at the sky and then back at Squee. "Well, I have to get going." He said as he jumped out the window. In doing so, Squee saw and knife with blood on it. He lost all fate in Johnny. But he knew he would be back.

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