Day 6.5

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"Broken. Nny. Look at the kid. We could use him. Just make him trust you." Mr.Fuck.

Johnny didn't know how to deal with this. Squee began to talk to Shmee again. They were having there own little conversation. So Johnny decided to listen.

"You hear that Shmee, me and you are going to a mental hospital."

"We can just escape."

"Haha. We would get pinned down and killed. There is no way in hell we can escape that."

"But you can try!"

"Try and die!"

Squee held Shmee up to his face. "And even if we do escape where would we go. Huh?"

"Then we stay on your own. You steal and you kill. It's easy."

"First you want me to be better than Johnny and then you ask me to kill? You asked me to kill my parents and my bullies.

"Yes! Because they deserve it! And you now as much as I do that they do."

"And so what if they do? I just get rid of them?!"



Squee through Shmee across the room in anger. He began to cry and Johnny just watched.

"Well. Wasn't that a show!" Mr. Fuck said.

"Way to be depressed kid. How you going to help him if you can't help yourself?" Reverend Meat spoke.

Johnny now looking at him he didn't know.

"Shut up." Johnny said.

"You can't save him. Let him join us."

"He'll be so useful the Nightmare is going to love him!" Sickness then said.

"Shut up." Johnny said again

"No one will think a kid will do anything! We won't even have to protect him half the time!"

The fours laughter filled Nny brain.

"SHUT UP!" Johnny yelled at the top of his lungs. This made Squee jump. He looked back at Johnny and back into the wall.

Johnny looked at him with anger in his eyes. "You!"

Days with Johnny and Squee(JTHM)Where stories live. Discover now