Day 5.5

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Johnny walked with Squee, seeing him slowly turn back to normal. The light that wasn't there, was there again. You could see how sweetness of the kid that Johnny had meet. So sweet, you could get cavities. Shmee and Johnny were relieved. They were happy that he wasn't a mindless killing zombie. 

After another hour, Squee was back to normal. Laughing, skipping and talking to Shmee. The people look at him weird but he didn't care, he just keep having a small conversation with the bear. Johnny admired that. Without knowing it Johnny and Squee had entered the busiest city. This was close to where they lived. 

Squee stomach decided it needed to speak up. Squee hadn't eaten in a couple of hours. Squee ignored the sound but Johnny did not.

"You hungry kid? We can stop at a pizza place, it's just down this street." Johnny offered.   

In saying so, Squee froze. Shaking his head no as fast as humanly possible. He seemed scared that Johnny even asked. "You don't need to,i don't want to bother you." Squee said after his endless head shaking. 

"Why would you be bothering me? I asked if you wanted to eat." Squee looked up a him once again. "Mommy and Daddy don't like it when I get hungry." 

Johnny looked down at him with no emotion, but to Squee, he seemed to be in disbelief. Johnny sighed and picked Squee up. He didn't know how to hold a child, so he put him over his head. So it was as though he was giving him a piggyback ride. 

Squee didn't fight back, not really wanting to get hurt. So he held onto Johnny's neck as lightly as possible, thinking he might hurt him. With that, Johnny began to walk towards the pizza place. Squee might have said he wasn't hungry about a million times, but Johnny just told him to shut up as he keep walking. 

Squee quickly closed his mouth, and didn't say anything the whole ride. When they got to the pizza place, Johnny entered the store, keeling, so that Squee wouldn't hurt himself. Johnny didn't put him down until he was done ordering the pizza. He sat Squee into a seat and took one as well. 

Squee kept his head down, not wanting to look a Johnny. "Run. He might hurt you."

"Shush Shmee, if he wanted to hurt us he would have done it already." Shmee growled.

"That doesn't mean he's safe!"

"Quiet! He will hurt me if you keep talking badly about him."

" He can't hear me, so why does it matter?"

"We don't know that, what if he can hear you?"

"I think he would have said something."

Johnny listened to the whole conversation. Well, at least what he could hear from Squee. He didn't know what Shmee was saying, but listening to Squee gave him a idea.

"The bear might be right. Am not the safest person to be with." This startled Squee. Squee looked up at Johnny. Who was smiling with a creepy grin.

"Am aware, but I think my parents a worse. At least you are trying to feed me. They only give me crackers to eat. They even tried to poison me once."

Johnny didn't know what to say. How could anyone be worse than him? Was this kid serious?

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