Day 4

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Rats. That's what Squee heard. His ears were sensitive every sound. This help him in multiple occasions.

The rats feet bumped against the walls. Tap. Tap. Tap. On and on and on.

They had woken him up from his sleep. In his hand he held a brand of his favorite scissors. Grey, but somewhat white. The handle leading to the scissors ends, were slanted. Holding the to parts together where was a snake like animal.

The second pair that he owned was scissors that looked like they were made out of bone

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The second pair that he owned was scissors that looked like they were made out of bone. He got them from a boy named Pepito. A demon who went to his school, funny right?

His eyes followed the rats. He couldn't see them but he could he could hear them. He hates the sound. It fill his ears, their so loud.

He squeeze Shmee close to his chest. He got up and headed towards the wall. He waited for the sound to hit that spot. It was almost there, but he was interrupted by his father calling his name.

"Squee get down here!" His father yelled sounding annoyed.

Take your scissors, as many as you can. Shmee said.

Squee followed this action. He pulled out a box from under his bed. Locks and chains covered the box.

Shmee handed a key to Squee. Squee took the key and unlocked every lock. In the box was endless amounts of scissors. Something he also got from Pepito.

It was a portal for endless scissors. Squee grab a few and went downstairs.

His father grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him to the car. He opened the door, and pushed Squee into the car.

They backed out of the driveway and headed on their way. This was a monthly thing. They would drive out to the woods. They would push Squee out the car, and they left him there.

He had to survive, and makes his way back home. They hope he gets lost. But he never does.

He fought off wild animals with his scissors. Stabbing and dodging, running and running. Hiding away from cars that passed by.

An hour later, and the moon had hit the sky. He didn't stop, he held Shmee close.

Your almost there. Keep going. Squee was now walking into the city. People where in every corner.

Kissing, doing other things. Being perverted with each other. It filled Shmee and Squee with disgust.

He walked a little more when he was meet with a tall slim guy. It reminded him of Johnny, but it wasn't him.

He had a mohawk, and he was wearing a jacket, with some ripped jeans. His boots where like Johnny's tho. He had a smirk on his face. A disgusting smirk.

Squee walked around him, but before he could even take a step he was grab by the waist. The man leaned into his ear and began to speak.

"Where you going little boy?"  This sent shivers down his spine. The man then took his finger and ran it down Squee's spine.

Stab him. Shmee spoke.

Squee looked up to see the man looking down at him with a smile. "Let's go somewhere more private."

The man grab his wrist and lead him into a alleyway. He pushed Squee into a corner. He squatted onto the floor so that he was at eye level with Squee.

"What's your name?" He asked. Squee stayed quite, and looked at him with disbelief and disgust. The man laughed and the action.

"Staying silent hm~ Well that doesn't matter you won't stay like that for long.~"

The man's hands got closer and closer. Squee slowly pulled his scissors out of his pocket. Just when he was about to stab the guy, a knife entered his head.

This didn't shock Squee at all. He was nervous, he had no fear.  He walked out of the alleyway. He thanked whoever the person was and walked away.

The person seemed to follow him, he took his scissors out of his pocket, he turned around to the person holding his scissors at their face.

Squee was meet with Johnny. He was surprised that Johnny was all the way out here. But he can go wherever he wants.

Squee lowered his weapon, and smile at him. "Sorry Johnny, thank you for earlier, I'll be headed home now."

He walked away, but Johnny walked beside him. "Sooo, why are you so far from home."

"Every year my parents take me out to the woods, and the drive farther each month. They hope I never make it back, but I always do."

Johnny looked down at Squee. He decided that he would stay with him. Just in case anyone else tries to do something.

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