The Search (Sunrise/Moondrop x Reader)

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(Request by  @aesthetix_mxmtoon)

(Word Count: 1,641 words)


"GAH!" You squeaked out loud seeing one of the animatronics standing there in the shadows looking quite menacingly. "Ugh! Freddy, I swear to the heavens I'm going to have a fricking heart attack because of you." Freddy's face switched from smiling to concern as his eyes flickered to the side. "Freddy, why are you out here? You're supposed to be on lockdown." You said firmly while shining your flashlight straight at him.

"Officer, I do not know how I got here..." Freddy stammered nervously. Pinching the bridge of your nose looking quite irritated about the whole thing. "Gah, I don't get paid enough for all this crap...look, Freddy, you blew it tonight buddy. Your system crashed and you ruined the show. Now, parts and services have you on reduced power. They said it's a safety precaution. Just one more thing to deal with..." You grumbled. "I apologize." Freddy quickly added.

"Okay...Look, we're like 15 minutes away from closing and some kid is sneaking around backstage. If you see anything, please notify me immediately! I have notified the other security guard Vanessa and the others as well. Please go back to your room before Vanessa finds you here..." You instructed. Freddy awkwardly bopped his head in agreement before stepping aside allowing you to pass. You exited and continued your search for the little brat.

"I can't believe this little turd snuck in here, I just want to leave this dump and go back home to watch my tv shows..." You mumbled frustratedly. "I spent all day patrolling this huge mall to keep snot-nosed brats and crazy entitled parents from trashing stuff." You honestly didn't give two darns about this minor running around the mall. You just wanted to call the cops to handle the situation, but Vanessa was against the idea insisting she could go find the kid herself.

Vanessa made you feel uneasy, there was something off about her. Thankfully, you didn't have to share a shift with the weirdo. One time in the breakroom, you saw her dress up in a bunny costume and begin to twirl around childishly. Sure, you wouldn't care if Vanessa was a furry or something like that, but there was just something malicious behind those green eyes of hers. A familiar feeling bubbled up making you have some bad acid reflex. Maybe you should lay off the FizzyFaz just a bit.

Goosebumps began to cover your whole body making you feel very cold all of a sudden. A whisper filled your ears, "You can't let Vanessa find the boy, she'll hurt him..." You whirled around expecting to see someone behind you, but nobody was. Feeling uneasy, you began to power walk quickly out of the backstage entering the main lobby area. Your heart hammered in your chest as the feeling seemed to follow you.

"Right, Screw Vanessa with her backward logic. We're doing things my way; I need to contact the police..." You attempted to retrieve your phone from your pocket only to grasp air. "Ah dang, I must have left it in my locker in the break room..." You closed your eyes while exhaling. "And that's on the other side of the pizza plex...son of a..." You were interrupted by another gentle whisper. "There's no time to go back for it, check the daycare..."

"Okay, whatever is doing that, can you please stop that? It's creepy..." You replied awkwardly. You remembered hearing rumors about the Pizza plex being haunted, but you figured it was just a bunch of nonsense. Maybe you were hallucinating to the point you can hear disembodied whispers. When was the last time you got any good solid sleep? You were running on FizzyFaz and fumes.

"Welp, I guess I must have lost my mind..." You muttered to yourself feeling a presence watching you. You glanced over your shoulder nearly to jump out of your skin at one of those fricking wet floor signs staring at you blankly. "Cheesy rice...what the actual frick...I swear this place is going to be the death of me...creepy stupid sign..." You glared at it before retreating toward the daycare.

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