New Bandmate (Monty X Bold Animatronic Reader)

175 2 2

(Request by:  ashtonfox7)

(Word Count: 1,656 words)

(A/N: Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy it!)


Monty was busy polishing his guitar when he heard a loud knock at his room's door. At first, a confused look crossed his face, but it was quickly it was replaced with one of annoyance. He trudged over to his door and slammed the button on the right. It slides open revealing a bouncing chicken aka Chica. His nostrils flared as he felt his gears grind together. Leaning against the doorway, he towered over the female animatronic.

"What do you want chicken?" Monty grumbled.

"Awh Monty~, you don't have to be such a grouch all the time!" Chica chuckled with an amused smile on her face. "Anyways, haven't you heard the news? Today our new friend is coming!"

"New friend...? What on earth are you talking about?"

"Seriously? Where have you been? Sleeping under a rock? Yeah, we're getting a new bandmate!" Chica clapped her hands together, and her smile widens. "It's been the hottest topic for gossip, what I've heard, the crew is possibly going to be either a drummer, singer, guitarist or maybe a keyboardist. There's a friendly wager going around, I got bets on a singer. Since there are already two guitarists, you and me. What's your guess?"

"Pardon? Are you serious? We don't need anyone else added to the band. There are already four of us! That's plenty of people already." Monty growled. "Even if we did get someone else, that'll leave us with an odd number. Who listens to a band with five members? I'll be crappy! Plus, I swear if another guitarist is added, I'll lose my cool. I already don't like having to share the spotlight." His nose curled into a snarl, exposing his sharp teeth at her. She stepped back with a nervous look on her face, but it quickly switched to one of irritation.

"Hey, take it easy Monty!"

"Whatever, why are you even telling me this in the first place? You know I like my quiet time and you're interrupting it."

"Well, Freddy had a feeling you wouldn't handle the news too well. So, this is a heads-up to you, but also, he told me to tell you, "Take a fat chill pill homie and be nice."

"Take a fat chill pill!? Who does that furball think he is? Be nice!? I am NICE!" Monty growled. "I am one of the nicest folks here." He was seething to the point that Chica swore she could see smoke billowing from his ears.

"Erm...yeah, you're nice Monty. Though, you can be a little...extra," Chica raised her hands in defense. "Being extra isn't a bad thing, but Freddy wants everyone to give a warm welcome to the newbie. So, could you please just keep things chill?"

"FINE, I'll keep things chill." Monty crossed his arms. "Now, is that all you wanted to tell me? If so, scram chicken." Chica nodded her head before skipping away. Monty slammed his hand against the button causing his bedroom door. A wave of anger washed over him as he stormed over to the couch. His mind was racing with a thousand thoughts and questions. 'Who is this new person going to be? Is this...possibly a replacement for one of the bandmates? Who's going on the chopping block? Was this going to replace him?! No one could ever take his place! He was the best guitarist in this entire band! They would sound like trash without his amazing playing. It is a replacement for Freddy? It sure as heck should be! That goodie-to-shoes is such a narcissist. Maybe being upstaged by a newcomer would teach him a lesson in humility. He wouldn't act such a, "I'm greater than you" type of guy.' His anger soothed at the thought of a defeated Freddy getting karma served to him on a bright new shiny platter. Maybe, just maybe, he'll get booted out of the band altogether. Then, Monty could have a real shot at rising to the top. A small smirk graced his features as he leaned against the couch. His mind ran wild with all the possibilities of what this newcomer would bring to the table.

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