Bloody Valentine (Sun x Nightguard Fem Reader)

671 11 7

(Request by:  @lavender_rabbit)

(Word count: 1591 words)

(Warning: Mature Themes such as Violence, Blood, Gore, Death,etc)

(Happy Belated Valentine!)


"Holy shot!?" You gasped with wide eyes staring at the grizzly scene laid before you. Your stomach twisted into a tight knot as bitter bile bubbled up burning the back of your throat. A pair of illuminating white eyes stayed glued on your trembling form as the figure began to twist its limbs unnaturally while springing toward you at a full sprint. You swiftly shined your flashlight on the speeding assailant making it come to a sudden halt. You were surprised to see who it was.

"It's you! It's really you. My sweet pumpkin pudding! You've returned to me once again!" an overly cheerful voice cooed. You cringed internally at the pet name. You couldn't believe your eyes, there standing before you in a bloody jester outfit was Sunrise. He began to bounce up and down like an excited child going to a toy store. "You found my gift! You found it! You're such a smart cookie! My precious sugar cookie. Do you like it?! I've been getting better at my artwork!" Sunrise innocently exclaimed.

You remained silent while gawking fearfully as you moved your flashlight onto the floor. There laying in a pool of dark scarlet and gore was your co-worker, Vanessa. Her whole body was a bloody mangled mess with a gaping hole in her shredded-up neck down to her lower mid-section exposing her still steaming insides. Her rib cage was cracked open with her intestines wrapped around it like a horrific red party streamer. A pound worth of gold glitter and confetti was randomly scattered across the crime scene. You were speechless, terrifyingly speechless. The worst part was her face, it was painted crudely in a thick layer of clown makeup with her mouth painfully etched into a maniacal smile. Her once lively emerald eyes are now a glassy hazy gray gazing straight at you pitifully.

You lost it. Whatever protein shake and half-eaten ham sandwich you had for lunch spilled out onto the floor. Sunrise blinked slowly still sporting that award-winning smile of his. "Oh, dear me! Are you okay my lovely blueberry muffin?" Sunrise kneeled beside you tenderly patting you on the back. "You must have eaten some bad food! Very bad food! I'll go get some water. Yes, water for my dear honeybun!" Before you could say anything, he was gone.

"My goddess, what did he do to you, Ness..." You whispered tearfully while hugging your flashlight close to your chest. You couldn't believe this was happening, this all was just a terrible nightmare! Right? Sunrise wouldn't murder anyone; he was a sweet innocent kid-friendly robot. Let alone your co-worker Vanessa, sure she might be a bit strange, but the blondie was a good-hearted gal. You may not have been close to Vanessa, but the both of you got along very decently even taking smoke breaks together in the back alley.

You were startled out of your deep thoughts by a light tap on your shoulder. You peered up seeing Sunrise towering over your small figure with a water bottle in his hand. "I found you some water! Sorry, it's not cold. But it'll help! Drink up so you can feel better my darling cupcake!" Sunrise instructed while plotting himself next to you. You hesitated for a moment focusing on the water bottle causing Sunrise to grow huffy. "Take it," his voice dropped an octave while firmly placing it into your hands. "I want you to feel better! Feeling better so we can do fun things! Fun things, I love every moment I spend with you my charming peach"

Forcibly, you took a sip of the water to appease the psycho robot. The warm liquid rubbed against your raw throat making you wince. You hated this, you hated it all. Looking satisfied with your actions, he leaped onto his feet gracefully. He snatched your hand yanking you up. You let out a hushed squeak while shooting him a wary look. Quickly, you put some distance between you and Sunrise. Your eyes landed on Vanessa's remains reminding you of the hellish situation you were in. You were sick of this nightmare. You needed to wake up! You pinched your wrist tightly hoping you would wake up in your own comfy bed instead of here.

"Hey! Be careful there, you can seriously get hurt! Don't hurt yourself my beautiful dumpling." Sunrise scowled while snatching your hands up into an iron grip. He pulled you closer to his creepy painted face. A strong metallic smell filled your nostrils making your eyes grow watery at the smell. It was all that dried blood splattered on his permanent smile. "This is all a bad dream...this is all a bad dream..." You whispered out loud trying to yank your wrists free from Sunrise. "You aren't real! Sunny would never hurt anyone."

His hold tightens painfully threatening to snap your poor wrist bones. "You think this is a dream? A dream?! My foolish angel cake, this is all real! I'm real. Look! Look." Sunrise's voice turned gravelly as he pulled your hands to touch his blood-stained face. "I'm real, I'm real! This is all real." You didn't reply instead you felt your world begin to spin. The image of your co-worker's clown-painted face flashed rapidly in your mind. Vanessa was dead and it was all thanks to this crazy son of a tin can.

"You killed Vanessa..." You wordlessly breathed feeling tears well up in your eyes. "YOU KILLED VANESSA! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? WHY!?" You harshly raised your voice while shoving him roughly away from you. Taking a few steps back, your hand moved toward your sidearm. Sunrise's eyes followed your every movement like a hunger cougar. Then, a deep cackle emerged from the thin robot who mockingly twirled like a ballerina. "Shush, shush no need to yell! You won't understand at all! Not one bit. The voices whispered to me my delicate strawberry. The voices told me of this woman's sins. She is bad. Very bad. She was a barrier to us, to our love. So, I took care of her and made her into something grander than a dirty sinner. She became beautiful."

You were beyond shocked at this confession. Your heart hammered in your chest louder than a war drum as your gut filled with dread. "You're sick! How could you do this Sunny? She was innocent." You yelled slowly bringing your firearm out of its holster. Sunrise didn't reply instead his willowy form began to twitch. His gears made soft clicking noises. "Do you hear yourself my beloved crumpet? You must be unwell! Very unwell. You can't defend such a sinful woman. SINFUL! SINFUL! SHE TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF. So, she went nighty night. I'm protecting my home from danger, you must understand. You must understand. There's no salvation for murderers."

"You're crazy." You hissed while aiming your firearm at Sunrise who began to twitch more aggressively. "Put the pea shooter away, there's no need for it! It's me. Your beloved Sunny and you are my beloved Valentine. I know you're scared, but please understand. I did it for us and my friends." He replied in a sing-song voice while creeping closer to you. "Don't move any closer or else you're getting a face full of led." You threaten. Raising his hands defensively, he came to a sudden halt.

"You need to calm down. Calm down, you frighten little sweet pea. I'm no threat to you. I'm yours after all and you're mine. Remember? It was fourteen of February in the early morning when I first laid eyes on you. You were a real sweetie with a big heart and I fell for you. I love you; can't you see? You were my best friend and sweetheart promising me that we would be together forever. That's what you promised me." He babbled on and on. You uncomfortably stared at him while he rambled about his affection for you in his delusional state. You almost felt pity for the robot, but then remembered that Vanessa was dead because of him. You kept your guard way up preparing for the worst.

"Today is Valentine's Day. Did you remember to get me a gift? I got you a gift my silly cheesecake." Sunrise purred presenting a blood-stained heart-shaped box. He popped it open revealing a fresh human heart surrounded by heart-shaped sweets. You felt the burning bile return swallowing it back. "Oh, my goddess..." You screamed knowing where Sunrise got the organ from. "I knew you would love it! A token of my deep love for you. It was kind of Vanessa to help me out." Sunrise chuckled darkly.

You lost it again. Feeling a thousand emotions at once, all you could do was let out a loud banshee shriek. You let off a few rounds into the animatronic not relenting until he collapsed to the ground in a pool of dark oil. Something cool and damp touched your cheek as you raised your hand to feel your own flurry of tears raining down. You coldly approached the sparking and now broken Sunrise who was glitching out. His white eyes bore into you reflecting his betrayal and shock. "S-sugarplum...H-how could s-shot me..." He whimpered. "W-why...I-I l-love you..." You answered him blankly. "I can't have you hurting anyone else Sunrise. I'm sorry, but it's my job to protect this place. Also, I never loved you in the first place. There was never an "us". Though Happy Valentine's Day Sunny, rest in pepperoni you crazy mother trucker."


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