Awkward Compliments (Flirty Roxanna X Shy Male Security Guard Reader)

175 0 7

(Request by:  jurihanfan2014)

(Word Count: 1,250 words)


"Chica! Open up the darn door." Roxie huffed as her fist pounded against her best friend's bedroom door.

"Roxiepoo, what's up girl? It's late." Chica sleepily asked while leaning against the doorway.

"Mind if I come in? I got some hot tea I want to share." Roxie smiled widely.

"Hm, can't it wait until the morning?"

"Nope! So, you going to let me in girlie?"

"Fine, fine, C'mon in." Chica sighed as she moved aside. With her head held up high, Roxie marched in. Flopping onto the hot pink couch, Roxie sprawled out. Her tail was wagged side to side excitingly. The door automatically closed behind Chica as she made her way toward the couch. "So, what's this hot tea Roxiepoo?"

"Okay, okay! Have you heard about the new security guard that was hired?" Roxie asked as her eyebrows furrowed together.

"I don't think so, then again, there's always new people coming in and out. It's hard to keep track of all of it." Chica shrugged.

"Seriously? Where have you been girlie? In the trash again?"

"What!? No way girl, that was only a one-time thing! I was completely wasted, you know that! You told me you would stop bringing that up."

"Chill girlie, I'm only pulling your leg." Roxie snickered. "Anyways, the new security guard is lowkey super cute. Like, woof when I first saw him, I was like, "Well hot dam..."

"Hey, watch it, Roxie. This is a family-friendly place!" Chica chuckled with a playful smile. "Don't let Nicole hear you say that. She'll blow a fuse!"

"Oh, Nicole can kiss my shiny tin can!" Roxie stuck her tongue out. "That girl always has a stick up her butt."

"Don't ditch my homie like that, Nicole isn't too bad! Without her, this place would be an absolute hot mess."

"Whatever! Let's get back to the hot tea, I've heard that he's single."

"I'm not too sure if this is really, "hot tea" Roxiepoo," Chica replied. "This could have waited until the morning..."

"Nuh-uh! It's super important! Do you want to know why? Because I need your help!"

"Need my help for what?"

"Firstly, you're my best friend and secondly, I need a wing woman!"

"A wing what?"

"Yeah, a wing woman! You know, supporting and cheering me on my amazing plan. I need your help to score a date with the security guard." Roxie beamed.

"I would love to help, but Roxiepoo I'm tired..." Chica groaned. "Plus, we both have a busy day at work tomorrow with performing and birthday parties."

"Please? Chica, every time I've tried flirting with the newbie but, I somehow end up making things ten times worse."

"Like what for instance?"

"Once I told him, "Hey, you got a fine butt sir, almost as fine as mine! You wanna hang out sometime?"

"Oh my gosh Roxie, are you for real? That's so bad!" Chica squawked out. Rubbing the back of her neck, Chica could feel the second-hand embarrassment from Roxie's awkward flirting. "How did he react to that?"

"He just looked at me with a flustered face and said nothing! We stood there in awkward silence, then I straight up just hoofed it out of there. Monty told me complimenting someone's butt is a surefire way I can score a date." Roxie bashfully twiddled her thumbs together. "Now, the cutie isn't even looking my way, he's avoiding me." Chica suppressed the urge to facepalm. Of course, something as risky as that was from Monty! That gator had no idea how flirting even worked, let alone how to filter his thoughts. Whatever came to mind, he would say causing trouble for the entire gang.

"Goodness, I don't ever recommend taking life advice from Monty, that troublemaker just loves stirring up drama." Chica shook her head. Roxie's ears drooped. She sunk deeper into the couch cushions with a reddened face. She knew her bestie was right, but Roxie was crushing hard. It made her head swim and moths flutter in her chest cavity. Her system heats up when she's even in the same room as her crush. Roxie's confidence melted away, leaving her wishing she could disappear into the wall. Chica caught on to the shift in mood. Reaching out, the chicken offered the wolf a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Roxiepoo, I'm got you. Let's score you a hot date~"


You've only been working your brand-new job as a security guard for a few weeks. You have to admit that this job had been quite the most interesting one you've had so far. From co-workers dressing like a rabbit around the office to having a furry robot flirt with you. It had your head spinning around and around. You were put alongside a blond woman named Vanessa to patrol the pizza plex during its closed hours. The pizza plex was huge resulting in needing more than one security guard walking around. You had fondly met all the main cast consisting of Chica, Freddy, Monty, and even Roxanna. Though, it turned out the wolf animatronic had taken a liking to you, which your boss Nicole remarked, "That's a surprise, normally the wolf doesn't like people in general." Little did you both know that Roxanna would attempt to flirt with you every time your paths crossed.

You've received an array of compliments from her from saying you have lovely eyes to a fine butt. It left you a flustered mess and you quickly booked out of there. You were a nonconfrontational type who tended to keep to yourself. Having anyone, let alone a robot with smart AI take an interest in you caused you to clam up. Throughout your shifts, you would see her lurking in the shadows, yet you didn't even dare to speak up. Tell her how you truly felt. How you just wanted to be left alone so you could work. That you don't mix pleasure with business. Maybe tonight you have the courage to speak up.

Like clockwork as you ventured down the hallway with your flashlight in hand. Roxie popped up out of nowhere. A nervous look reflected on her face as her ears twitched and rotated. You froze in place; beads of sweat formed on your forehead.

"Hey cutie, how are you tonight?" Roxie asked, offering you a small toothy smile.

"E-erm, hello Roxanna, I'm okay. Is there something I can help you with?" You stammered out.

"Actually yes, I was hoping I could have a quick minute of your time?"

"E-erm okay."

"So, I'm...sorry about all the weird flirting and stuff like that. I think you're super cute and was hoping maybe we could go on a date or something like that?" Roxie rubbed the back of her neck.

"Roxanna, I-I..." You stumbled over your words, but you finally blurted out. "I don't want to date a coworker, nor mix dating with work. I'm sorry." Roxie seemed surprised to see you didn't scuddle off, but reply back to her.

"Oh..that's cool and all! Don't worry, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I hope we can at least try being friends. Like hang out and stuff. I've heard you like to listen to music and stuff..." Roxie offered a sheepish smile.

"U-uh, sure, but right now, I can't." You fired back before you turned heel and hoofed it out of there. You didn't even bother going back, rather you retreated to the office. Leaving Roxie standing there with a confused and hurt expression on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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