The Secret of the Scavenger and Lioness (Sunny x Fem Goofy Reader)

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(Request by:  @Takashia_Naomi)

(Word count: 1788 words)


Your lips were locked in a passionate kiss as you draped your arms around his waist. Your lover pulled away, it left both of you breathless from the heated exchange. Both of you were extremely flustered and hot. You couldn't help but stare at him fondly. On the other hand, Sunny adjusted his hat with a look of deep thought on his face. You watched his face shift from happy to tense.

"Sunny, what's the matter my dear?" your voice was smooth like melted butter and you looked down at him with concern written on your face. Sunny snapped out of his thoughts while staring at you meekly. You reached out to take his hand only for him to jerk backward away from you. His agile body wound up like an agitated cat. His light gray eyes were turned downward.

"Your highness..." Sunny whispered, but you raised a hand to silence him.

"You don't have to call me that Sunny," you reassured him as you cracked a wry smile. "Unless that's your ki..." Sunny's face erupted into a deep blush. He raised his hands while shaking his head vigorously.

"O-oh n-no! N-no!" Sunny stammered causing you to giggle. He covered his face with his gloved hands as he mumbled under his breath. "I-it's not that, there's something else..."

"Well, what is it?" You asked while taking a seat on a nearby dusty crate.

"Why are we doing this?" Sunny blurted out. "We're always sneaking around in secrecy and never really do anything together publicly!" You were taken aback by his comment while he stared at you expectingly. A cold sweat broke out on your forehead making you pull out your silk handkerchief to wipe it away. A lady doesn't sweat!

"Sunny, I thought we already had this discussion...why are you bringing it up again?" you nervously responded and tried to shift the conversation in another direction. "I heard this funny joke from the staff members that I wanted to share with you! What sort of hot beverage do you drink with a queen? Royal-tea!" you awkwardly chuckled. You half-expected him to join along in the laughter at the terrible joke. Instead, Sunny offered you an agitated look. Well, guess there's a tough crowd tonight.

"I know what you're doing and I'm going to stop you right there," Sunny huffed annoyedly. "This isn't a time to crack jokes! I'm serious about this." He crossed his arms while peering at you in frustration. You sighed silently to yourself not wanting to talk about this now. You would rather just enjoy his company and cuddle than deal with this crap again.

"Sunny, you already know the reason why things are the way they are. There's no need to talk about old news." you shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh really?!" Sunny hissed as he started to seethe with anger. "Is it because I'm not from the same social class as you? Are you scared of being seen with someone your people deem below you? Are you ashamed to be with me!?" You felt your heart hammer loudly in your chest. Your breathing came to a painful slow as thoughts raced through your mind. Your silence seemed to only upset Sunny even further.

"So, I guess it is true!" Sunny scoffed while he became teary-eyed. "I thought you were different than the rest of them. Yet, it turns out you're just another rich swine rolling in her wealth! You sit there on your high chair with a silver spoon in your mouth. While my people work their tails off from morning to night so they can feed their struggling families." You sat there in shock at the same time Sunny was glaring daggers at you. The way he looked at you made you feel like a dirty beast rolling in its manure. Though, you felt the spark of anger igniting in your gut.

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