Hide and Seek But, There's a Wrench involved (Monty x Fem Reader)

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(Request by:  adelkasusserova )

(Word count: 1,109 words)

(Warning: Mature elements: Violence, Blood, etc)


"Hey little lady!" a demonic voice called in a sing-song voice. "Where are you~?" You felt your whole-body tremble. Your heartbeat was skyrocketing through the roof. You covered your mouth with your hands in a weak attempt to silence your heavy breathing. You didn't want him finding you.

"I know that you're here..." the voice growled accompanied by thudding footsteps approaching your hiding spot. Panic kicked into overdrive at the sound of scraping metal. You just knew those were his long-curled nails dragging along the floor. He was a prowling predator seeking out his prey. Unfortunately, you were the poor soul that ended up being it.

"You can hide...but you can't hide!" He hissed angrily. "I'll find you~"

You remained quieter than a field mouse. You nearly jumped out of your skin hearing a loud crash along with more furious roars. Pressing your back against the wall, you tried in vain to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall. You were beyond terrified at this point. You were petrified.

"You think we won't find you?" His voice mocked. His footsteps were deathly close to you now. Your heart lurched into your throat causing you to gag. The tension burned you like stomach acid. A few noisy bangs filled the air with dread as the hunter turned his rage on the arcade machines. You hugged your knees tightly feeling the tears trickle down your cheeks.

"You can't hide forever!" the voice was now full of fury. You prayed to whatever higher power was out there to save you from this unlucky predicament you were in. Why did this even happen to you? You were nothing more than a janitor working minimum wage to put food on your table. You just wanted to come in for a normal shift and not to deal with the crazy gator man that trying to kill you.

Suddenly, all the sounds came to a silencing halt. You could only hear your wild heartbeat booming noisily in your ribcage. The footsteps started up again, but this time they were walking in the other direction. The sound of noisy growls and grunts was now off in the distance. You realized that you were holding your breath causing you to feel faint. Were you finally safe? Did he lose interest in you?

You waited for a few painstaking minutes before letting a sigh of relief escape past your chapped lips. He was gone, at least for now. You moved your hands away from your knees to your chest to calm your frantic heartbeat. You were okay. You were alive! You needed to get the heck out of here.

Though, this was only the calm before the storm for you. The hurricane had arrived with a towering shadow following it. Your eyes went wide with fear. An ear-splitting roar shook the ground while the arcade machine you took shelter behind was lifted into the air. Your eyes met the cold calloused crimson ones of the hulking robot.

It was Monty. He threw the arcade machine with ease which shattered into a thousand pieces. His eyes leered at you with a deep bloodlust shimmering in them. A scream was caught mid-way in your throat like a pesky chip.

"Found you, little lady~" Monty laughed evilly. "I told you that you couldn't hide forever and now it's game over." His maw extended open revealing rows of rasped teeth that could easily crush bones. His hands curled into fists showing off his gnarled nails in the dim light. In a blink of an eye, Monty pounced on your smaller figure with a mighty force.

His teeth latched onto your upper bicep with a sickening crunch. Your tender flesh was torn to bloody ribbons making a fountain of metallic scarlet gush out. A scream escaped your mouth prompting the blood-hungry reptile to tighten his grasp on you. Like a hyena, Monty twisted his head side to side threatening to yank your arm right out of its socket.

Your head was stuck on a merry-go-round that was spinning around and around. Growing faster and faster every cycle. Your brain wailed mortified at the sight of your blood spilling out. It begged your body to do something to stop this monster from killing you. Your eyes darted around in search of anything to help you out.

Maybe lady luck was on your side this time! There beside you laid a wrench probably left behind by a forgetful repairman. You stretched your good hand out to snag the wrench quickly. You turned your attention back on Monty who was busy destroying your delicate body. Your vision became blinded by your tear-filled eyes. Your brain couldn't seem to focus on anything. Epically, since it was too busy trying to stop you from bleeding out all over the floor.

"Hey bucket of bolts, Get off me!" You furiously screamed. At full force, you bashed the wrench against Monty's face. He let out a pained-filled shriek which only fueled your rage even more. All you could see was red, you kept smacking the wrench against him even harder. Not even noticing how much damage you were inflicting on the unfortunate gator.

You let out a string of curse words at the animatronic who was now a pile of sparking scrap metal. His voice box got damaged by your attack leaving him only to gurgle distortedly. You gripped the tool close to your body as you stared down at him. He was twitching like a dying spider. You raised the wrench with your good hand as you peered into his crimson eyes.

"Get wrecked tin can..." you spat venomously. The wrench smacked against his metal skull in a killing blow. The robotic gator collapsed to the floor loudly. You gazed at Monty who laid there still. Was he finally dead? You gave him a few nudges with your foot to see if he would move at all. Seeing that he was gone, you couldn't help but start laughing hysterically. Tears flowed down your cheeks feeling a mix of pain and relief. It looks like the tables have turned, you were now the predator and he was the prey. You felt a tense pain on your left arm, noticing that the son of a tin can had majorly screwed up your arm.

You tore a strip of cloth from your uniform to use as a makeshift bandage. You weren't going to die today, not in a sticky germ-filled arcade. Adrenaline coursed through your veins numbing the intense pain. With your trusty wrench held tightly in your good hand. You exited the arcade in search of a first-aid station to treat your injuries. Little did you know, that this was only the beginning of your nightmarish shift.

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