Fazbear Kindness (Sun/Moon x Fem adult reader)

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(Request by: @Link3689)

(Word Count:3,373 words)

(Warning: **Mature themes that contain sensitive topics that may be not be suited for a certain audience**)


"Mommy! Look! We're here!" your son Hunter squealed happily while waving his hands in the air. You smiled fondly at him while pulling your minivan into a nearby parking spot. Suddenly, some jerk drove quickly stealing the parking spot right in front of you. You grumbled under your breath while blaring your horn loudly. The jerk was a mother with her two kids which she gracefully flipped you off with a smug smirk before prancing off dragging her kids with her.

"What a..." You were close to letting out a series of curses at the lady, but you remember your son was in the car. "An unlovely lady, she's a big meanie." Hunter started to fidget in his seat growing impatient. "It's going to be okay Hunter, we'll find a spot, don't worry buddy." You soon realized that this moron had parked into a handicap spot. You parked your van with the hazards on to investigate the woman's car. Seeing there was no handicap sign anywhere on the dash nor the license plate. This ticked you off even more, epically since you needed that spot. How elsewhere are you going to unload Hunter's wheelchair?

Taking a mental note of where the parking spot was, you climbed back into your vehicle. You were going to report this to the front desk at the Pizza Plex and you silently prayed the woman got a hefty ticket for being an inconsiderate cow. You glanced over at Hunter who was playing with his bear plushie. Sighing, you scavenged the crowded parking lot for another spot. Thankfully, it didn't take you too long to find a nearby parking spot.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Hunter called eagerly while pointing toward the large pizza plex. "We're here! We're here!" You chuckled to yourself while carefully unloading Hunter and his wheelchair from the vehicle. "I know buddy, I see it!" You cooed sweetly. Making sure everything was locked up, you wheeled Hunter toward the front entrance, the whole time he was babbling on and on about how he was going to see his idol Freddy Fazbear and his friends.

You felt anxiety bubble up hoping that your plans weren't going to be ruined by any more jerks. You had planned this just for your baby boy for his tenth birthday, you made sure to make all the reservations and informed them about your son's disability. You leaned down while planting a little kiss on his forehead earning a giggle from him. Hunter was your everything, you would do anything for him.

Of course, you weren't surprised by the huge crowds of people at the front entrance and how loud everything was. There were bright colorful and shiny décor that was honestly a kid's dream place. You weaved through the line heading toward the front. There were a few disgruntled murmurs among the crowd accompanied by thousands of eyes glaring at you. You ignored them because your focus was on Hunter. You felt someone grab your arm making your body tense up. You immediately shook the person off and stared them right in the eye. Oh gosh, it was her.

"Excuse me, the line is back there!" the woman hissed while her kids bounced up and down. "You can't cut the line." You felt your anger return which didn't help the matter. Trying to keep calm, you answered the lady firmly, "I can see that, but this line is for people who haven't preordered their guest passes. I've already purchased my passes ahead of time, so if you kindly buzz off and mind your business lady." The woman's nose crinkled in annoyance. "Wait for a second, you're that b..." An employee noticed the commotion prompting her to rush over. "Ma'am, please refrain from using that type of language here. This is a family-orientated establishment! So, what's the problem here?"

"This young lady cut the line!" the woman angrily spat. You narrowed your eyes at her while clearing your throat, "Actually miss, I was trying to get into the right line, you see I already pre-purchased the passes and reservations ahead of time. This lady is trying to start trouble with me." The employee tiredly exhaled while forcing one of those famous 'I am just doing this for a paycheck' smiles before speaking, "I see Ma'am! I can actually. Do you mind telling me your name?"

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