No. Go fuck yourself.

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Third person point of view.
It's been a few weeks since Monty and Y/N last spoke, every time they saw each other Monty tried to be the bigger person, but apologizing wasn't in his vocabulary, and him being a rockstar, with loads of fans, he usually doesn't have to apologize, but why would he apologize to some daycare attendant, with a sassy mouth, and gets food stuck in her system every 3-5 business days? Because Monty loves her. Monty has been in love with Y/N since he first laid eyes on her. Monty is deeply in love with her, he still regrets how he left things, and would do anything just to take them back. Y/N just stopped caring after the first week once she realized she was free, she enjoyed her freedom, she usually spent her time in Roxy Raceway, or enjoying making puppets with Sundrop in the daycare, and she enjoys it. It really lights up her life, it's just the little things that make her happy. Monty would've never knew that, after all she thought he only cared for her body.

Monty's point of view.
I stood in front of the daycare wondering what would happen if I just waltzed in there asking for Y/N. Of course she probably wouldn't be there, but even if she was there, what would I do? I just needed to see her again. I can't take it anymore, one more day without seeing her beautiful smile, or feeling her soft dark skin, then i'd go physically, and mentally crazy. I decided to stop standing there like an idiot, and I walked in. There she was, she helped Sundrop make a house out of popsicle sticks, she looked up, and saw me. I wanted to say something, but it was like my mind went blank. The things she makes me feels. She cleared her throat, forcing me back into reality, I finally found the words I needed.
"Y/N? Can I.. Uh— Have a word with you?" I asked with a small smile, and all I got was an okay. That's all I needed.

Your point of view.
I kindly asked Sundrop to wait for me, and I walked out of the daycare with Monty, staring at him coldly. If i'm being completely honest, it did feel good seeing him again, besides the point that he literally broke my heart, but it's okay.
"No." I said coldly before he even opened his mouth, I am not accepting any apologies from any gator named Montgomery. Why would I? Well that's because I want to fuck with the fucker himself. Everyone knows that Monty will literally make your whole week trashy if he feels like it, once I told him to shut up, it was after one of my new upgrades for advanced hearing in case a kid got lost, and couldn't find their mom, dad or guardian. I mean you can't blame me. He was literally yelling in my damn ear, after I told him to shut up, he deliberately made my whole week terrible, which was probably stupid but, you know. He's a drama king.
"I said no, that's my answer to your shitty apology, 'Y/N I came too-' No shut the actual fuck up, and go fuck yourself." I said trying to hold my laughter in, he just stared at me, he looked like he was about to cry, well deserved.
"Bye Montgomery. I'm busy." I said bluntly, and walked back inside the daycare, I heard a small scoff coming from Monty, I looked back, and he was gone, of course. Oh well. I continued the popsicle stick house with Sundrop, enjoying his company.

Third person point of view.
Another week past since Monty and Y/N last spoke to each other, Y/N didn't feel bad about telling Monty off, but Monty had no clue that Y/N could snap at him like that, it's like she changed ever since they 'broke up'. Monty doesn't like change, but Y/N does.
'Change is how the world goes around, some people like change, some don't. We all change some how, even if you don't think you changed.' Y/N heard someone saying before, she never thought of it until after Monty broke it off with her. She decided change would make her feel better, so she changed. Monty stayed the absolute same. Same hair, same personality, and same attitude. Y/N would've never noticed Monty if he changed his personality, maybe that's what she liked most about him. His odd personality, but somehow, she'd rope herself back into Monty's world of anger, and abandonment issues. Monty would rope himself back into her issues. Y/N's struggle of the real world, and her imagination. Being around kids all day really expands her imagination, she wonders what the outside world would be like, or how everything smelled, all she wanted was to see the real world outside of the pizza-plex. That's all she's ever wanted. Her one, and only dream.
Chapter 5 concluded.
well sorry for the late chapter guys, hope you enjoyed it fr.
i have these two songs i listen too on replay, i'll let you guys listen and see what u think lol

  as always follow my tiktok for updates or just laughs i never post anything abt this story lol @lei.ofc

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