Chapter 25

137 18 2

Jiang Cheng

The work flowed smoothly, it had been a month since the announcement of Jiang group wanting to put the company's shares on the market. Needless to say, we had plenty of "anonymous" people coming to threat us with dead birds and threatening letters. And today was no different from those days.

"Another one today?" Wei Wuxian said as he walked in my office. 

"Where are they getting all these birds and why are they even killing these poor creatures?" I said as I closed the box and called my secretary to take the box away.

"These people are trying to prove a point, failing miserably on that sense." He said, as he made his way towards the sofa. 

"How's everything coming up on your front?" I asked as I took a seat on my chair.

"I am fine Jiang Cheng, you're the one taking a huge amount of damage thanks to the Triad causing problems."

I sighed, I appreciated his concern but I knew that he was working on something other than this, I just didn't know what.

"As the heir of the group, I am obligated to take up on damage even worse than this."

"Mhm. I will take your word for it." He said and sighed before continuing "everything is ready, Mr. Xiao has already prepared the papers for you to officially take your place as the heir. All that's left is the press conference and to put on a show for the Triad to see. "

I looked up at him and made a face, him being my brother for so long, understood what I was thinking.

"I know that you're concerned that things might go wrong, but they're bound to go wrong sooner or later. So might as well take this opportunity."

"All right. Bring it on." I said and we got to work.

The day rolled by pretty fast, I didn't even notice when morning came to evening. I was stuck with legalities and meetings all day long and among all through that, Wei Wuxian was with me as well.

A growl of my stomach was a reminder that I didn't eat anything after brunch that we had with Mr. Xiao and it was dinner time.

"Can we go home now? I am hungry." I said, as my biological clock reminded me of my frustration and hunger.

"Ah....." Wei Wuxian looked up at his watch and realised that it was dinner time.

"Sorry, I didn't even know when night time came upon us." He said.

"Can-can we just go? My brain will malfunction if I work any longer." I said.

"Yeah yeah. Let's wrap up for today, it's late. We'll ask Mr. Li to cook dinner for us." Wei Wuxian said.

"All right. Call him. I can't deal with my stomach growling any longer."

Wrapping everything up and going back home, this was probably the fastest I have ever gotten on my feet in years.

We didn't even bother to change, Mr. Li was already prepping the dinner table when we walked in the dining hall and sat down for dinner. Mr. Li and the kitchen staff made enough food for four people, but despite Wei Wuxian and I being hungry enough to take down a bear, we couldn't finish all of the food. We truly were getting old.

"Jiang Cheng, wanna drink with me tonight?" Wei Wuxian asked out of nowhere as he sat back in his chair.

"Sure. It's been a while, you and I." I said as I wiped my hands on the napkin.

Love, Chef. - A Chen Qing Ling/Modaozushi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now