Chapter 4

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Lan Wangji :

I almost had a panic attack when I saw Wei Ying welcoming us. He still looked as handsome as the day he left and caught my breath just like the first day I saw him. After he welcomed us, we walked away and I looked at him from the corner of my eye while he talked to the Nie Huaisang and then he caught me staring at him! I quickly turned my head, tearing my eyes from him.

I couldn't think straight.

I distracted myself by talking to some more people and with Qing and Xing Chen, both of them came with their partners, Mingjue and Song Lan. It has been months since I last saw them. Soon my brother came back with a long face and probably a heavy heart as well, I saw Jiang Wanyin being the same as he walked up to Wei Ying but my brother didn't have much time to keep thinking about it since the asshole shrimp, Jin Guangyao was also here. He came over to us with a smile, I hated that smile. It made me sick.

My brother soon got busy and the day somehow just flew by and it was dinner time. All main members of the families have dinner together, which meant I would be sitting opposite to Wei Ying.

This just got 10 times harder. I thought.

We all proceeded towards the huge dining hall where only the main members of the four distinguished families were allowed and to add salt to my wound, somehow Wei Ying ended up right next to me.


"Lan Zhan." I heard the voice, a voice I was ever so fond of and my name which seemed like it was laced with molasses as he said it.

"Wei Ying." I said and tried to look at him. He looked hurt, his eyes seemed like they were so full of emotions. Just like the day he left me, all on my own, to save me. I wanted to leave but again, I didn't want to. It has been so long since I have been so close to him, I wanted to talk to him more, touch him, kiss him and hold him in my arms once more.

Our eyes were locked on each other, my glass amber eyes to his greyish blue steel eyes. It seemed like an eternity.

Wei Ying broke the gaze and looked away from me but then his faltering steps came next to mine and he sat next to me. The sitting arrangements went something like this, as the new successor of the Jiang group, Jiang Wanyin sat at the head of the table. Wei Ying and Lady Jiang sat in the either side of the head and next to her, sat all the CEO's in the order : The Jins, The Lans and The Huaisang.

I somehow ended up where Jin Guangyao was supposed to sit because he wanted sit opposite to my brother but I forgot that Wei Ying was the director of the Jiang group because Yanli worked alongside Jin Zixuan now. She has worked with the Jiang group for years until five years ago she got pregnant with Jin Zixuan's son, Jin Rulan.

Breaking my attention from everyone else, I stole a glance at Wei Ying and saw that he was overwhelmed with emotions, his eyes spoke, no, they screamed but he kept up his facade. He kept his mischievous smile and kept everyone entertained, just like old times.

Past -

We entered the cooking lab and waited for my uncle and my brother to come in and give us further instructions. I was standing alongside Xing Chen who was sending some furious texts to Xue Yang.

"Why are you two together when all you do is fight?" I said.

"It's just.... nevermind." He said and I didn't press him for more.

After a minute or so, uncle and brother came in and greeted everyone. We were divided in groups of two and were assigned to make Braseltouiile, it was the meat version of the local French dish, Ratatouille. Everybody heard the instructions that were given by my brother, but one person decided to contradict everything that was set in the recette (recipe) by my uncle, the man who had spent 35 years cooking French cuisine. This guy had the guts to ask questions nobody dared to ask.

"Wei Wuxian! You dare question my recette?! Then make a better dish than what's written and prove yourself!" My uncle fumed.

Wei Wuxian.

I have heard that notorious name countless times. Despite being known for being quite the troublemaker and mischievous, he was known to have exceptional skills. He was the adopted son of Jiangs, older to their own son and younger to their eldest daughter, who was also an exceptionally known chef in the circle.

So today I get to witness how much of an exception this guy is, huh?

I hated boys like him, never sticked to the rules and regulations.

"Alright then Mr. Wei. Why don't we try something? Everyone in this room can perceive the recette as they wish, if someone wants to follow the recette they can and if somebody wishes to change something, they can. We shall judge you accordingly."

My brother said and I thought, only one person would be a fool to change the recette other than him, everybody else will be following the instructions.

We all started to work on our dishes and as we were preparing the vegetables, my eyes stole a glance at the controversial group. They had already started cutting their ingredients and Wei Wuxian's eyes were concentrated on the meat while the other guy was swiftly cutting the vegetables, my eyes widened when I saw him cutting the vegetables at a great speed and great precision. And then my eyes went to the troublemaker, I was at awe. He cut touched the meat and then his knife started to cut the meat out at all the right places. He chose the most tender pieces and then prepped them like he was decorating something delicate.

I kept my eyes on them, especially the troublemaker. I hate to admit it, but he looked beautiful when he was in action.

I felt a nudge and saw Xing Chen nudging me out of the trance. I started to work on my own dish and while prepping Xing Chen started to talk.

"He is known as the meat master, you know." He said softly.

"What?" I replied, almost immediately.

"Out of all the first year students, he is probably the best when it comes to handling meat dishes. He was born to the mother and father who were known to have exceptional skills as chefs and his mother had a way with meat since a very young age, I think he inherited that. He is also known as the child prodigy of Jiangs because he was able to create his speciality at the age of 15. He is on par with you Wangji."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't, rather. This was a new information to me.

I looked and saw my brother looking at me with a smile and my uncle, glaring. I pushed my thoughts aside and worked on my dish. After a good hour and half, everyone was done with their plating.

Everyone was waiting to present their dishes until my uncle called out to the troublemaker pair first.

"Wei Wuxian, Jiang Wanyin! Come forward and present your dish!"

"Oui chef!" Wei Wuxian answered.

He walked confident strides and put his plate in front of my uncle and what unfolded next was something that I would never forget.

Love, Chef. - A Chen Qing Ling/Modaozushi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now