Dodge-A-Leen Gone Wrong

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A/N - this is going to be really short because I have lots of ideas that I don't know how to make it longer. So, i'll make shorts.

Ray's POV

I still have no clue why I decided to do this. I mean, dodge-a-leen? I can't even dodge bullets! That's only okay because I'm indestructible, but still. Henry and I recently talked and he said that i'm technically not his boss outside of his job- I knew he was right, but I wasn't gonna say that! Come on, you know me better than that.

So, I went for the next best option. Try to prove him wrong. This isn't going to go well, is it? I know I've won against him for other stuff, but, this is sports. Which he knows I'm not good at.

I made t-shirts and started a cool team and forced Charlotte into it. What? She knew what she was getting into when she took the job.

Anyways, back to the t-shirts. I made it purple and called it Bro Force One! I named it, could you tell? Of course you could! I'm the only cool one in Team Danger. I was talking differently and wearing different hair-wig-stuff. Whatever. I am watching the TV to see if Henry's team is winning. Their team is called the 'Jumping Jaspers'?! I mean WHAT!? What kind of team name is that?

I sighed, pounded the table, and grunted every time Henry's team won. I started to have doubts of my own, would we not be able to take them on? They are really good at this so far, thanks to Henry. I mean, he does have his super fast reflexes and all. Plus, he's a superhero's sidekick. He should know already how to dodge. Except for a few times where he was an inch from death, which I'll never know about because I am indestructible. Yeah, Henry's reflexes are no match for the man.

I was lost in my thoughts so I didn't hear the gasps coming from around me until Schwoz lazily tapped me.

"What?" I ask then look to the screen.

Some man picked up a ball and sent it forcefully towards Henry's head when he wasn't looking because he was checking in on his sister. The force pushed him into the back wall and if I didn't know better, I could've heard his head crack. He stumbled into the hole in between the two teams. (let's pretend there isn't any people there)

He groaned in pain and I acted fast, pushing Schwoz out of the way, "Kid!" 

I ran into the arena without hesitation and met a half unconscious teenager on the ground. He looks to have gotten a concussion and I don't know what to do. A drop of blood went down his forehead and grazed the side of his nose. He broke his head open. 

Henry's eyes open, and he squints, "Who- who are you?"

I get confused for a second but soon realize I'm still wearing the wig thing. I take it off, "it's me, Ray."

He smiles, "Ray."

Even after everything, he still can break out smile. It's something I love about the kid. Then I realize our situation. 

"Medics?! Any medics here?!" I shout and got a quick response as two people came over with a stretcher. I was told to move away as they helped out my- the kid. I was biting my nails our of nervousness. They were bringing him to help left the whole building silent.

"So, you know, are we gonna do something?" Charlotte asks and leaves Jasper, Schwoz, Piper, and I confused, "go to the hospital?! Call his parents?! Anything?!"

"Oh!" I give Piper, Jasper, Charlotte, and Schwoz a ride to the hospital. 

~introducing larry the time skip~

I notice Piper calling her mom about our situation and can't help but feel guilty. Charlotte puts a hand on my shoulder, "it's not your fault, Ray."

I stand up, "but it is. I could've stopped him from doing stupid dodgeball for a stupid competition!"

"Look, we both know how stubborn Henry is, we couldn't have stopped him if we tried."

Before I could protest, a doctor comes in, "Family of Henry Hart?"

Piper after hanging up her phone says, "that's me!"

"Okay, sister?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah, he's my brother."

"Alright, follow me."

Soon after Piper comes out she tells me that Henry was asking for me and I just nodded and took a deep breath before going inside.

"Ray," he smiles. God, this kid.

"Hey kiddo, how're you doing after all that?" I ask.

"I'm good, just a couple stitches needed, and a small concussion. That's all."

That's all?! 

"It's okay," he reads my face expression, "i've had stitches before, it's really not that bad."

I nod, sigh, and smile, "Okay, I trust you. But next time, let's talk before doing something reckless like...sports," I say.

"I promise."

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