Talk To Me...

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This was requested by: @adolfotovar78 

Henry's POV

I thought everything was okay. I thought everything was normal, because that's what it seemed like. Crime fighting as Kid Danger and getting home as Henry Hart was repetitive but still as I went on, I had less time for personal matters and was flooded with the demanding responsibility as a young superhero's sidekick. And honestly, I really missed spending time with my parents and sister. I was exhausted and sorrowful and Ray took notice.

I explained to him how I felt now that everything is different and I just needed some time. I didn't know why I was talking to Ray about it because he was the one that always yapped, saying superheroes don't have vacation days! and yet here I am. 

Surprisingly, Ray ended up letting me off for a couple of days so I can spend time with my family and get some proper rest. Also, when he told me that my jaw dropped for like sixteen minutes. I don't know. But of course, I was still really grateful.

So, I went home and told my parents about my short but meaningful break and they were excited for the possibilities of fun activities. However, when my parents called Piper down for dinner she wouldn't talk or look up from her phone, even if Mom reminded her that screens are not allowed at the table. It was like she completely zoned out. 

At first I thought that it is just because she is a girl she's sassy and whatever with her fake problems, but as time went on and she acted like this more commonly, I started to get really concerned. 

One day I knocked on her door and asked to come in. She didn't answer. No sound came from her room except for the sweet sound of silence. 

I knocked once more on her door, "Pipes, if you would just let me in we could talk about whatever is bothering you." Still silent, "Please...I just want you to be okay."

I heard a sniffle as she opened the door, cheeks stained with tears. She held her head low and refused to make eye contact. I stepped into her room and closed the door and she sat on her bed, sniffled and wiped her tears away.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?"

"N-Not r-really. Ca-an you just b-be here?"


Piper leaned her head on my shoulder and a while later she fell asleep. I rested her head down on her bed and thought about leaving but decided to just lay next to her for the rest of the night. Just to keep her safe.


The next morning, I offered my little sister a drive to school and she didn't decline. She smiled and nodded and I smiled back. On the way I put on music that we sang to. We laughed at some of the inside jokes that we made when one of us accidentally sang the wrong lyrics.

I picked her up from school I brought some of our favorite donuts.

Piper sighed as she tasted the warm donut, "It's amazing."

"Isn't it? I got it at the perfect time."

Spending this break time with Piper has made her smile and talk more and it helped me realize how much I love her company. I guess she just needed someone to talk to, that's all...or is it?

- The Starry Eyed Time Skip Bestie

I was following the schedule of me picking up and dropping off Piper at school while managing to follow my own schedule but something felt off when I didn't see my little sister at drop-off one day. I parked my car and walked around the school to see if she was there. 

Then I heard a scream.

My blood ran cold as I ran to where I heard it coming from. Then I see my little sister, down and defeated in one of the hidden parts of the school being attacked by two girls around her age. Fear was washed away by the anger that went through my veins.


The two girls looked at me in shock and fear of getting caught and tried to run away. However, I stepped in from of them and said in a low dark voice, "Don't even think about touching my sister ever again, understand?"

They nodded their heads rapidly as I stepped away for them to run away. Then, I calmly walked over to Piper in hopes that that would make her calm down as well. I sat down to her stance and she burst into more tears as I hugged her. 

"Piper, if something like this ever happens again, please talk to me, Mom and Dad, or an adult about it. Don't bottle it up and please don't try to handle it on your own. I'll always be here for you."

She smiled and we locked into another warm embrace. 

"Thank you, Henry." 

a/n - ....😭😭😭 piper and henry are the cutest 😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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