Chapter 6 - The Chimaera

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Three years later, 7 BBY


Whatever the Senator wanted, it had better be good. It had taken me three weeks of careful planning to be able to get the clearances to fly to Coruscant. I'd spun the tale of research needed, though it had taken a lot of maneuvering to get my squad on a different mission at the same time. By the time I finally entered my hotel room on Coruscant, it had been almost two months since I got the order from Bail Organa. And now, he was sitting at the small table in the corner of my hotel room.

I relaxed as soon as I saw him. His kind face hadn't changed much in the sixish years since I've seen him in person, though he did have a few new lines on his face. He stood up and hugged me tightly, and I relished the comforting gesture.

After pleasantries were exchanged and I got a short update on how much Leia had grown—twelve years old—his face turned serious.

"What is it, Senator?" I prompted.

"You've done well with Tarkin, Lilya. The information you provide us is invaluable, and I mean that. But," he hesitated for a moment. It wasn't much, but long enough for me to realize that whatever he was about to tell me, he was worried about my reaction. Odd. "We need you somewhere else now."

I cocked my head at him, feeling the shock on my face. I'd been with Tarkin for more than five years now. My relationship with him was unparalleled. He trusted me almost completely, as did my team. The thought of changing paths felt like throwing the last five years away—five years of tireless dedication. But Bail nodded almost regretfully, indicating he understood my inner conflict. Obviously, I would do whatever he needed, whatever the Rebel Alliance needed. Though I report to Tarkin daily, and by suspension, the Emperor, it was Bail who had my loyalty. It was Bail, that I did everything for.

"I know. But the Rebellion is facing a more immediate threat." I frowned. Was he pulling me out of the Empire completely? I'd miss my squad, but the idea had its appeals.

"I understand. From where?"

"Not where. Who. Admiral Thrawn." My breath caught at the name. I'd briefly interacted with him only twice since becoming Tarkin's personal squad; I hadn't even been introduced to him. He was cold, collected, and honestly, terrifying. Though Tarkin still occasionally caused trepidation to roll through me, I myself felt little danger from the man. I was too valuable of an asset for him to destroy, and I'd never once disappointed him in a mission, nor had my team. Even in failure, we brought Tarkin success. I was positive he saw me as his own personal asset.

I found it unlikely he would give me up to Thrawn. And I did feel fear from the thought of working closely with the Admiral. It was one thing to fool the entire Empire, it was another to fool Thrawn. One doesn't rise to Admiral as an alien in the Imperial Navy without being observant. Finon had been one of his bridge officers before I recruited him, and it seems, even he was intimidated by the man, though it was mixed with respect. It would be a true challenge. I thought briefly about Darro, who I was pretty sure by now, was a Rebel sympathizer. He would also be playing the part in front of the Admiral, and the thought made me shiver.

"How do you propose I get the transfer? It took me two months to even get here for a day."

He pulled out his datapad. "Thrawn is apparently a favorite of the Emperor. He has great faith in the man, and it is rumored they have even spent time together on various occasions. I think the Emperor believes he will bring glory to the Empire.

"I've already begun pumping the idea through my sources that he could use your elite squad. My hope is that once the idea enters either Thrawn or the Emperor's head, whichever one, they will be adamant about your transfer. Whatever Tarkin is doing with all his secrets, he doesn't appear to be running into problems at the moment. Thrawn on the other hand, is constantly in motion, influencing things all over the galaxy. I believe the Emperor will step in and decide, if Tarkin refuses."

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