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-Harry's Point of View-

Ring, ring, ring.

I sighed as I heard my phone. I wiped the flour off my hands and pulled the rectanglular device out and answered it. Wary of there being no caller ID.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, is this a Mr. Harry Styles?" A lady asked.I sighed.

"Yes, that is me," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Okay. This is Mrs. Western calling from London Middle School about your daughter Isabella Styles," Mrs. Western said. I groaned.

"Yes. Please tell me what she did this time," Harry said. He knew it. He should've recognized the number automatically. This isn't the first call. For the week.

"She was in another fight today. We asked why she started another one and she told me the person she fought had called her fathers 'disgusting queers,'" Mrs. Western told me. I crossed my eyes.

"What were the consequences given to her?" I asked.

"She was put in in-school-suspnsion for another week and then one week of after-school- detention." I rolled my eyes. Can't they think of a better punishment.

"Okay. Thank you for calling me," I replied.

"Anytime," she said, with a hint of a flirty tone. I knew the office staff found me attractive. They hope and pray that I'm bisexual rather than gay. They'd all love a chance at me.

"Goodbye," I said and hung up. I've dealt with all the office staff. And I'm tired of it. I looked around for my, what I like to call, Second-in-Command. I finally spotted the blonde headed person named Niall. I walked over, slowly, and patted his back and said boo.

He jumped nearly twenty feet in tyevair, all the while I was just cackling.

"Don't do that again Harold!" He yelled at me and started swinging at me. Playfully, don't worry. When we calmed down, I asked him,

"Will you take charge? I want to go see Louis. I need to talk to him."

Niall nodded and shoved me out of his working space.

"Yes, go visit your husband, and then your ass back here," he demanded. I said okay and left.

I got in my car and drove to the records label Louis worked at. He was slowly making his say to the top. I was proud of him.

I parked the car in the parking garage and then entered the building. Everyone said hello to me, and I politely said it back. I traveled my way up to Louis office and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He yelled, muffled by the door. I shoved it open with a smile on my face.

"Hey H!" He exclaimed. I smiled and walked over to him, leaning down and pressing my lips to his for a short moment.

"Hello," I said when I pulled back.

"You're supposed to say it before you kiss me, not after," he told me. I chuckled.

"Oops," I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways. What are you doing here?" He asked. I sighed and sat in the seat across his desk.

"I got another call from the school for Isabella," I told him. He sighed and covered his eyes.

"What are we going to do with her? What did she do this time?" Louis groaned.

"Mrs. Western told me they put her in in-school-suspension for another week and then after-school-detention for the week after that," I told him what I was told. He shook his head slowly.

And Green Meets Blue (A Larry MPreg) Book 2 AUWhere stories live. Discover now