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-Louis' Point of View-

It's been a few weeks since Isabella brought over Cabrie. The mentioned girl had came over a numerous amounts of time since then.

I was now 3 months pregnant with the new baby and I now had a noticable bump. I know you can't normally tell until around 4 months, but since I've had other children, my stomach's already been weakened and stretched and that muscle hasn't built back yet.

And on the plus side, people know what to look for now.

My morning sickness wasn't the greatest. The slightest smell of grease, or the shortest glance at raw meat, and I was puking my guts out. Harry usually kicked me out of the kitchen whenever he wanted to cook with meat.

I still, however, was allowed to cook the pastas that involved no meat and no grease whatsoever. I'm not exactly complaining, but, it gets annoying. We hardly eat any pastas with no meat. So, I hardly cook.

On another side, the very good side, I'm extremely horny. I often find myself in the bathroom at work with a hard on, having to wank because I can't will it away.

Whenever I tell Harry I had to do that that day, he laughs at me. So I pretend I won't let him have me that night, but it's usually me hopping on his dick in neediness.

Anyways, Mum is so excited about the new baby. She already has more planned for him/her than we do (meaning the baby shower, since we have nothing planned yet).

Though, I've been doing some thinking. We're going to have to move if we want all our kids to have their own rooms. We have plenty of money to get a 5 bedroom, even a 6 if we wanted. Since twins are so common in my family, I want to be prepared in case we are blessed with another set of twins again. I hope not, but I wouldn't mind if that's what they were.

I am currently at work now, attempting to follow along in a meeting about how the building is to be relocated and people are going to be laid off and some are going to be given raises.

There were a list of names being called, and I only started listening when I heard my name being called.

"Louis Styles, Tyler Bosley, Shelbie Fousnought, and Megan Taylor, you will need to head up to Mr. Matthews office when this meeting concludes," Our building level manager stated. I nodded in understandment. Mr. Matthews was the owner of the record label. Matthews Record was the name.

The meeting lasted another half hour. Me and the other three headed up to the boss's office, Shelbie leaning over to ask if I knew what it was about. I shrugged and went to press the buttong the call the elevator.

We got into the room and seen Mr. Matthews sitting at his desk, his suit on him clean and crisp.

"Hello Louis, Tyler, Shelbie and Megan. You're all probably wondering why you are here. And don't worry, it's not a negative thing. You four are my best workers on your level, and even the next two levels. So, I'm promoting you all to the advertisment and band/singer discovery level. This will cause a $30 raise per hour on your salary, since you are moving up three levels. So your hourly pay should be $110 after you start working. Any questions?" Mr. Matthews explained. None of us had a question. "Okay, you're dismissed from work completely, have a nice day."

I was beaming on the inside. $110 is my new hourly pay? It seems so surreal. Harry makes $78 an hour. The normal pay for someone who works at his bakery is $20, but he's the owner and manager so..

I grabbed my stuff and used the elevator to get the employee parking lot. I pressed the unlock button on my keys and heard my car unlock. I went over to it and seen someone standing by my car, but leaning against another vehicle. He was dressed in all dark clothes except he was white.

He was a bit peculiar looking but I went about my way and open my door, throwing my stuff on the passenger side. The man was just staring at me with a creepy look on his face.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked rudely and sassily and got in my vehicle.

"No," the man said darkly. I rolled my eyes and shut the door after buckling up. I started my car, or attempted to at least. It made a clicking sound, but never started. I was confused. I tried a couple more times and looked out the window. The evil look man had a smirk on his face as he noticed me looking at him.

I shoved my car door opened and looked at him with a deep glare.

"What the hell did you do to my car?" I asked rudely as I leaned over to the passenger side to open the hood of my car. I could feel his eyes roaming all over my ass. I was uncomfortable by the attention, but continued on. I went to the front of my car and noticed all of my spark plugs were missing. I glared at the man. Except, now he was gone.

All of a sudden, there was a hand over my eyes and a rag pressed to my nose. I sniffed accidently and darkness to over my sight, but before I could lose full consciousness, I heard the man, in his deep voice, say, "I'm going to fuck you so hard."


I woke up in a hospital. I was sore in the lower half of me, which if me and Harry had sex, it never let an after sting. He always took care in prepping me so it didn't hurt.

But it did. Actually, all of me did. I could feel oxygen tubes in my nose. There was an IV in my arm.

I breathed deeply and opened my eyes. I was blinded by a bright white light. When my eyes adjusted, I looked around. The room was white, and nothing cheerful like the last hospital room I was in.

The door busted open, causing me to jump. A man jogged over to my bed, burying his face into my chest. Past memories from the last time I was awake made me shock into reality.

"Get away from me!" I screamed. The man jumped back quickly.

"Baby what?" he questioned confused and hurt.

The door opened again and a nurse came in, a confused look on her face as well.

She came over and checked me over. Then she left and returned with a doctor. In the midst of her absence, I stared at him.

The doctor shot something into my IV, and then sleep soon came over me.


When I came to, I seen a curly haired man in the back corner of the room that I instantly recognized as my husband. He was hunched over, his arms crossed and head down.

"Hazza!" I called. Harry jumped and looked at me.

"You're not gonna freak out on me again are you?" he asked slowly. I shook my head slowly, throwing him a confused glance.

"Why am I here?" I asked, taking notice of the gravelly tone in my voice. Harry stood and came over to my bed, sitting down by my hips ever so gently.

"You were raped love," Harry explained to me quietly. Everything came back all at once. I nodded once. I was fearful of the fact my body had been violated. I still felt the slight burn.

That's when I started to cry. My hormones were building up and sometimes the only thing you can do in situations like these Is cry.

Harry rubbed my arm soothingly and gave me a teary eyed, sympathetic smile.

"I'm so sorry love," he said quietly.

"It's not your fault. I was trying to come home and that dude took all the spark plugs out of my car," I explained. I shuddered at the memory.

"I'm just glad someone found you before it got too late," Harry said, gratefulness filling his tone. I nodded. "I'm gonna get the doctor to check you out and then he said if you're okay, then we can go home."

I nodded and that gave Harry the confirmation he needed. He got up and then left the room.

I freaked on out Harry? Why? Did he do it? No, I wouldn't even care if Harry raped me, I love him. He wouldn't do it, but still.

The doctor entered the room, Harry following in suite.

"Hello Mr. Styles, I'm going to check you over and then you're good to go. I recommend in these situations, you look into a therapist if you need help getting over the violation of your body," the doctor explained. I nodded once.

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