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-Harry's Point of View-

This Cabrie girl was pretty nice. She seemed to come from a good family, granted I know nothing about her except she's a year older than Isabella and dating my daughter. I don't mind their relationship, but I believe she's too young. But, then again, she and Jesabella have always been mature for their age. They may be 12, but their maturity level is that of a 15 year old, maybe 16 year old.

"So, Cabrie," Jesabella started, acting as an adult, shoving her plate forwards and crossing her arms where the plate just sat.

"Jez, don't," Isabella said, her tone darkening. Louis chuckled.

"Tell us about you," Louis asked.

"Um, what exactly would you like to know?" Cabrie asked confused.

"What about your family?" Louis replied.

"Um, My mum is Natalie and my dad is Cyle. Um, I have 6 siblings, 3 brothers and 3 sisters, and they are Noah, Nicholas, Nathan, and Carrie, Cassidy and Charlotte," Cabrie replied.

"Wow, that's a bunch, how do your parents handle you all? My mum has 7, but all of us except the youngest 4 still live with her. They're 2 sets of twins," Louis replied.

"Well, my two older brothers both are off at college so it's just me, my sisters and my younger brother," Cabrie explained. I nodded.

"That's not so bad. How much older than your youngest sibling is your oldest siblings? Louis is 22 years older than the youngest," I asked. Cabrie paused in her eating and looked up to the ceiling, most likely figuring it out in her head.

"Uh, Nathan is 23 and Cassidy is 5," Cabrie started. "So, 18 years, I think."

"Hm," I said, chewing and swallowing my food.

"Mr. Styles, this food is amazing," Cabrie complemented.

"Thank you Cabrie," I thanked her. She smiled her next response.

"Daddy?" Isaac said Louis since he was the closest parent to him.

"Yeah baby?" Louis asked.

"Can I, can I have more please?" he asked. Louis chuckled and nodded. He went to stand up and grab the plate, but I stopped him.

"I've got it," I added. Louis sighed but stayed put. I put an Isaac sized helping of everything on his plate. I placed the plate in front of my son and he thanked me.

"When are you getting your stitches out again?" I heard Cabrie ask Isabella, so I may or may not have began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Tomorrow, maybe if it's fully healed," Isabella replied. "If not, 3 days after that."

"What happened with that kid who tripped you?" I asked, making Isabella jump and Louis and Jesabella look up from where they were talking.

"Uh, he was suspened for a week and has detention for like, a month, I think. I think he's lucky in the fact you decided to not press charges because he would've been in more trouble," Isabella responded.

"Why didn't you press charges?" Cabrie asked, a frown forming on her face in confusion. Jesabella raised her hand to speak, cutting off Louis, who was about to speak.

"Sorry Dad, but I know your answer to this. They didn't press charges because although they're all for "people learn from their mistakes", they don't have the heart to press charged against someone who is under the age of 16 and who is already getting punished for their mistakes," Jesabella explained. Louis nodded at our daughter in agreement to what she said.

And Green Meets Blue (A Larry MPreg) Book 2 AUWhere stories live. Discover now