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Hello loves, how're you all doing?

I'm sad to tell you guys this is the last chapter.

There will be an epilogue.

I really like where I have the story at now and I think this is a perfect spot to end it.

And one more thing, would any of you mind checking out my new story, "There's No Need To Be Afraid"?

Anyways, thank you guys for everything one this story and When Blue Meets Green. I love you all so so so much :*

Reminder: July 1st I will be starting to rewrite and edit When Blue Meets Green.

Again, love you all and I hope you enjoy xx



-Louis' Point of View-

I was still currently in the hospital with mine and Harry's newborn Auden Coraline.

She was gorgeous and she has me tightly wrapped around her little tiny finger. I'm so in love with her.

I knew our kids loved their baby sister too. I had seen both twins take several pictures of Auden and I knew they would be posting it to Instagram.

I'd probably see the pictures when I checked either my personal account or got on my works account.

Speaking of, I had talked to my boss and he was granting me three months extra than I needed because of all the trauma I had faced within the past year.

I knew I had fully healed from the rape and I'm still healing from birthing my baby, but I accepted it anyways.

Any time I was given to spend with my kids I would gladly take.

Harry had to go to work today, but he promised he'd be back as soon as possible and bring the children with him.

I hadn't been able to see them a whole lot. I've only been here for two days and would be able to go home in two but still, I love my children and I can't handle not being able to see them. It breaks my heart.

Just as I went to take a nap, I heard Auden start to cry. I huffed a bit but then I soon lightened up, realizing that this was one of the many joys of having a newborn baby.

Sleepless nights, making bottles, changing diapers and endless holding and cuddling. I stood up and walked over to the little plastic cot and peered at my baby inside.

"What's the matter Audi?" I cooed to the little baby. Me and Harry had decided her nickname would be Audi, yes spelled like the car and everything.

I picked her up and bounced her a bit in my arms, trying to calm down her crying.

I soon realized what her problem was when a stench filled my nose.

"Aw, baby you stink," I giggled and walked over to the my bed, laying her in it and then grabbing a diaper and her wipes that were graciously provided by the hospital.

I quickly changed her poopy diaper and threw the dirty one away. I scooped her up in my arms and carefully laid down with her, resting her on my chest.

I peacefully fell asleep, hearing the sweet sounds of my baby snoring.


I woke up feeling Auden suddenly disappear off of my chest.

I opened my eyes quickly and seen a head of dark brown curls in my face.

I gasped in shock, not registering who it was at first.

And Green Meets Blue (A Larry MPreg) Book 2 AUWhere stories live. Discover now