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-Louis' Point of View-

When I walked into the living room after I returned from dropping off Jesabella and Becca, I seen Harry sitting on the couch watching television.

"Where is Isaac?" I asked Harry after sitting next to him. He shrugged.

"I think he might be playing in the basement. I heard someone go down there," Harry responded. I nodded.

When Jesabella and Isabella were a few years younger, me and Harry made one of the rooms in the basement and made it into a playroom.

It had a tv and movies and all their toys they've  ever gotten.

The basement of course has carpet and walls and a ceiling. We had made sure that the house we bought had a finished basement with a utility room and an extra room or two for reasons like that.

I sat down beside Harry and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into his side and rested my head against his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my head and I hummed in response.

Some would forget Harry's the dominant one in our relationship, mostly due to my attitude. I guess you could consider me the 'women' so to speak, considering the fact I carried our three children.

I sighed, deep in thought. Harry nuzzled his his nose into my hair and pulled me closer to him. I wasn't complaining though.

Me and Harry hardly had moments like this. With a six year old and two twelve year olds. It is a rare moment when me and Harry just get to be by ourselves for a while.

We do have time to ourselves when we go to bed, but usually we are too tired to stay up and talk.

I watched the show Harry had on and quickly realized It was an old rerun of 'One Tree Hill'. It was one of the very first episodes when Nathan still despised his half-brother Lucas.

I smiled. I knew from watching every episode what was to happen between the brothers.

I felt Harry's fingers slip in between mine and give them a squeeze.

I turned to him and smiled, my eyes meeting his. Harry's eyes have always been one of my favorite attributes on him. That, his curls and his lips.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned in towards my face and ever-so-gently pressed his lips to mine. That spark I've felt ever since we first kissed has never faded. I kissed back, keeping the kiss a slow and passionate one.

We pulled back when we heard a loud crash coming from the basement. We jumped up and ran down the stairs that were located at the end of the hallway.

As we were descending down the stairs, a loud crying started.

"Daddy! Papa!" Isaac cried out. I ran into the playroom and seen Isaac laying on the ground clutching his head, and much to my horror, red liquid gushing everywhere.

Harry and I knelt down beside him.

"Isaac, baby. What happened?" I asked nervously.

"I-I was walking, and I tripped, and I-i hit my head on the table. Daddy, it hurts!" Isaac said while sobbing. My heart clenched painfully at the sound. My poor boy was hurt.

"Isaac, let Papa look at it please?" Harry asked the crying boy. It was obvious Isaac's cries were painful to Harry as well. Harry grabbed Isaac's little wrist and looked at the spot Where it was bleeding.

There was a gash that was still bleeding quite a bit.

"Harry," I gasped. Hardy looked at me and jumped up, running up the stairs quickly. A couple minutes later, Harry was returning, a damp cloth in his hand.

And Green Meets Blue (A Larry MPreg) Book 2 AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang