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At some point in the morning, Damon got up and went back to the house. He just stood near the window staring out. As the sun hit his face, he contemplated if burning in the sun would finally give him some peace since everything good in Damon's life was gone. The only people who used to make him feel good were Sif and Stefan. One of them is now gone forever and the other only makes him feel more like a monster now.

He was lost in his thoughts when Stefan came back from behind him asking him where he was planning to go.

As Damon replied with his usual snark, Stefan couldn't help but be a little relieved that his brother's guard was up again. He immediately felt guilty for thinking that but he couldn't help it. He has had a very rocky life and the only thing that was constant was Damon's habit of joking around. He was terrified seeing his brother like that. It might be selfish of him, but if Damon stopped joking around, Stefan would have nothing steady in his life.

When Damon mentioned that he might go visit some friends, Stefan was quick to remind him that he had no friends. And Damon was quick to retort, "You're right, Stefan. I only have you", Stefan chuckled and Damon turned away from the window facing Stefan, "So, where are we going?"

Stefan looked at Damon amused and spoke up, "We are not going anywhere. I'm gonna live my life as far away from you as possible." Damon ignored the small pang in his heart, he felt every time Stefan said that and put on a smirk and said, "But we're a team! We could travel the world together. We could try out for "The Amazing Race"."

The brothers were now face to face, three feet away from each other. Stefan chuckled but said, "That's funny. But seriously, where are you going? Because we are not staying in this town."

Before Damon could respond, the doorbell chimed and the brothers shared a look before walking over to the door and finding Sheriff Forbes at the other end.

Damon greeted Liz and invited her in, when she requested to speak to him. They both went out to the back courtyard and Damon spoke up, "I hope you understand the secrecy. Stefan doesn't know about this yet and I'd like to keep it that way." and Liz immediately agreed.

When Damon asked for the reason for her surprise visit, Liz grimly informed, "There's been another attack. A female victim, her throat torn out, completely drained of blood. It fits the pattern."

Damon was shocked. He didn't know there was another vampire in town. He looked at sheriff and said, "I'm sorry. I don't understand. I thought we solved that problem when I", he cut off and glancing back, he whispered, "staked the blond one."

Sheriff nodded stating that the vampire might have turned someone or multiple people. Damon nodded with a thoughtful expression on his face.

She continued, "The story for the town is another animal attack but I'm not sure how long we can keep lying to them. The council is in an uproar. We thought we were past this."  Damon cleared out the thoughts in his head and asked Liz what was to be done. She informed him that the council was hoping Damon could come up with a plan since he was the only one who had faced a vampire. 

Damon asked his companion to give him some time to think and they both went outside, Sheriff Forbes bidding her goodbyes. 

Stefan, who was listening in on the entire conversation, sped up to Damon and pushed him against the wall as soon as the blonde sheriff left, angrily muttering, "What is wrong with you? You killed somebody?"  

Damon shoved Stefan's hands off him and said, "Get off of me. A) don't touch me. B) if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it. and C) There's another vampire in town." Stefan being Stefan quickly waved it off saying it's not possible. And Damon reminded him that it obviously is otherwise this situation would never happen.

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