"all the memories"

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Present Day: Feitan's POV

I was going back to the headquarters and met with Chrollo.

"I have some news that will hopefully make you happy" He said to me. "I'm listening" I said. "I might be opening a can of worms by saying this, but I think you deserve to know. There is a woman with a very similar appearance to Y/n in York New. I need you to bring her here. We don't know if it's truly her but we need to find out" Chrollo explained to me.

My face lit up with excitement. The thought of Y/n still being alive was a reliving feeling. I walked out of the headquarters and looked for Y/n in the huge city. I started thinking about all the memories that we had together. Like when we first met. We were both 17 and I was caught stealing an expensive diamond from a jewelry store. I was planning on reselling it to get more money but the owner of the shop was chasing me and I had dropped the diamond. I couldn't go back for it because it was too risky but then I heard some things falling and I turned around. There was this girl handing me the diamond. Behind her was a mess and the shop owner was no where to be found.

"Did you drop this?" she asked me. "I did, thank you for helping me" I said to the girl.

She had dark hair and wore a pleated skirt with a white button down shirt and a sweater over it.

"I'm Y/n by the way" She said. "I'm Feitan, you can stick with me" I introduced myself.

Ever since that day, Y/n stayed by my side. When Chrollo created the Troupe, I became a member and she never did. But Y/n was still very helpful, she often spied on our targets and killed them when we couldn't. I was getting too lost in my memories and then I passed an Aldi's and it reminded me of when Y/n and I used to be in there for hours. We'd shop like usual and then we'd steal quarters from the shoppers' carts. It wasn't that hard, we'd make like 5,600 Jenny every time we went to Aldi's and we never got caught. I was walking past a library and sensed quite a bit of aura. I sat down on one of the steps and called Phinks for back up.

"Yo Fei" he picked up the phone pretty quickly. "Can you come to the York New library?" I asked him. "Okay, why though?" He asked me. "I'll explain when you get here" I avoided his question for the time being.

After 30 minutes, Phinks met me where I asked him to.

"So why do you need me again?" He asked me. "Turn on your Gyo" I told him. "...whoa that's pretty powerful aura and it's a little familiar too" he said.

I started walking up the stairs without saying a word and Phinks followed.

"Hey wait up" Phinks said to me.

I opened the door and the first thing that I smelled were the pages of books. It was such a calming and relaxing place. I saw people of all ages in the library. I saw the librarian and I was gonna walk up to her and ask if she had seen anyone who matched Y/n's description but someone went up to her to ask her something.

"Excuse me miss, do you think I can find any information about the infamous Phantom Troupe?" A man asked the librarian. "crap" I whispered under my breath before grabbing two books off the shelf.

I shoved one in Phinks's face and stuck my nose in the other book so no one saw our faces.

"I'm sorry we have the computers for it, but most of the information is expensive to get access to" the librarian explained. "How expensive are we talking" the man asked. "Prices start at 100 million Jenny" she said. "Damn" the man said before he walked away.

For some reason the librarian's voice was familiar. As soon as the man walked past us, I turned on my Gyo again. The aura was coming from the librarian. I walked towards her and got ready to question her. When I got closer I realized it was Y/n, the same Y/n who I saw die five years ago. She had changed, her black hair was no longer just one color. In the front of her hair she had white streaks and her hair was layered. She looked pretty much the same but she didn't have such an innocent face instead, she looked more mature. She hadn't realized who I was yet because she was reading a book.

Y/n's POV

I heard two people approaching my desk but I didn't bother to look up from my book.

"Excuse me miss, what are you reading" one of the men asked me. "Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe" I said. "What's it about?" the same man asked me. "The narrator kills his neighbor and he basically explains why he did it and how he did it" I summarized what I was reading. "Interesting, do you have any works but Trevor Brown" the man asked me.

I looked up from my book because I only knew one person who would willing read Trevor Brown when I looked up I saw that one person.

"...Feitan" I was shocked, I didn't think I'd ever meet with another Troupe member after five years. "So am I just not here?" Phinks sounded offended. "I didn't forget about you" I pulled both of them into a hug. "Where have you been?" Phinks asked him. "I don't wanna talk about this here" I said to him.

No one knew about my past and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Do you think we can talk after you finish your shift?" Feitan asked me. "Sure, I finish in an hour, I'm pretty sure Chrollo would like to talk to me too" I said. "He actually was the one who told me to look for you" Feitan said. "Oh, anyways you guys can hang out here until I'm done" I said to my old friends.

I felt so happy inside, I was finally able to reunite with the people who really knew me, I had missed them so much and they were happy to see me alive and well.

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