"the villains were being heroes"

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Y/n's POV

We were all in our spots on the outskirts of York New. Chrollo planned everything out and specifically told us to put in effort because we could be getting a lot of money if we successfully protected the city. It was weird to think that the 'villains' were being heroes. But we just wanted the money in all honesty.

"I'm detecting people coming from you and Feitan's end" the chief spoke over the earpiece.

I created an ice dome over the city and got ready to face the mafia. It was so quiet that you could hear them walking towards us. The ground below us vibrated a bit. After a few seconds there were people dressed in formal clothes ready to fight us. Feitan took out his double-edged sword and I created a copy with my ice.

"She's making the dome with her nen! That woman is our target" someone in the crowd yelled.

Everyone started charging towards me. I made ice knives fly towards the mafia and people started dropping but some were still standing. Feitan finished off the ones that were really close to us. One of the mafia members that I hit with an ice knife rose up. I pulled him by the collar and looked him in the eyes.

"Let me give you some advice. Don't wear nice clothes if you're going to fight me. I'll ruin it with your own blood" I said before throwing him back on the ground and pushing an icicle through his head.

I was starting to get a little exhausted because I was still keeping the nen dome up while I fought.

"Y/n take it down if you need a break" Feitan said. "No they'll get into the city" I replied quickly. "There's more coming. They stopped fighting the other members to fight you" The chief said to me. "Everyone come to our spot!" Feitan yelled into the earpiece.

He then looked at me. His eyes said 'we'll do this together'. The next crowd of mafia members were coming fast. I was prepared to use all of my energy for this fight, even if it meant I'd injure myself. My body produced a huge amount of aura. The nen users in the crowd started to retreat but the ones who didn't use nen still charged at us. Feitan and I exchanged a glance before we spread out and really started fighting. I remembered how I used to watch Feitan fight with his sword and I was more than familiar with his fighting style. Feitan and I fought almost identically.

"You're doing good" Feitan affirmed me as we fought.

We were getting closed in on and our backs were pressing against each other.

"Follow my lead" Feitan spoke to me.

I felt him start to turn and I turned with him. We were turning so fast it became spinning and we cut everyone in our way. After we got through 40 people, I was out of breath. Feitan held onto my arm for support.

"You guys need backup?" I heard Phinks's voice.

The entire Troupe finally arrived.

"Let her rest, we'll take care of everyone else" Chrollo raised his voice so everyone could hear him.

Feitan held onto my hand and took me back to the dome and made me sit down.

"Stay here" he said to me.

Sharlnark sat down next to me and he was controlling the mafia members.

"You are an amazing fighter, did you know that?" he said to me. "Well I don't really fight like this" I replied to Sharlnark.

Phinks was quickly winding his arm and then he punched 26 mafia members at the same time. Shizuku was whacking people in the head with her vacuum and it was quite entertaining to watch. Both Feitan and Nobunaga were swinging their swords and doing an amazing job . Machi killed a few mafia members with her thread and used others as puppets. Illumi was also controlling mafia members and his brother used his fan to fight. Franklin was using his nen bullets and looked unbothered. Even though we used different fighting styles, we worked together beautifully. That's one of the best things about the Troupe. I really wanted to fight more but I was still exhausted. If fought, just for 5 minutes the entire thing would be over. If I made ice knives and aimed them correctly, I could wipe out everyone there. I slowly started creating the knives and they were floating around me, I got up and everyone froze. I let the knives hit the mafia members and gangsters.

"Remember who rules this city" I said.

Every enemy dropped to the ground and I made the ice dome disappear.

"Y/n! You're supposed to be resting!" Feitan said. "I know, but I wanted to finish things up" I replied to him. "Good job guys, the job is finished" the chief said over the earpiece.

We went to a grocery store to buy beer and then we went to headquarters. Phinks opened the bottles and we all drank.

"Another victory" Nobunaga said. "Not just any victory, we're set for five years" Phinks said to him. "Not only that but it was our first mission with Y/n" Feitan added. "What a night!" I said. "Shall we have a toast to Y/n?" Chrollo asked.

Everyone raised their bottles.

"To Y/n!" Everyone said in unison. "Yo...Y/n" I heard Machi. "hm?" I responded. "Look...I'm sorry about what I said about you taking Paku's spot, I just got...defensive" Machi apologized. "It's fine I knew you didn't mean it in a harsh way" I accepted her apology. "So we're cool?" Machi asked me. "Yeah" I smiled at her.

After a few drinks, Phinks started dancing...like really dancing. My jaw dropped to the floor. I didn't think he had it in him. Feitan was flabbergasted. I held onto his hand.

"I think it's time to go" I said to him.

I gently pulled his hand so we could go home.

"Jesus, I didn't know he could dance" Feitan said. "That was the alcohol talking" I replied to him.

We both laughed.

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