"where have you been"

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Y/n's POV

After my shift at the library was over, I went to the Phantom Troupe's headquarters with Feitan and Phinks. The place brought back so many memories. When we entered the building, we saw Chrollo sitting down reading a book.

"Oh, I see you brought her back" Chrollo said to Feitan. "...now is this really her?" He asked. "What are you talking about, she's the same Y/n from before" Phinks said. "Yeah she is" Feitan added. "Okay but tell me, where have you been all these years?" Chrollo questioned me.

I knew this was a long story so I took a deep breath before I began.

"Okay so when I 'died' my nen was awakened and I still don't know how, but I created a thick layer of ice around myself to protect myself from the fall. I was asleep for an entire month and I thought I was dead! This woman named Calypso found me and watched over me until I woke up. She was a specialist and she taught me how to use my nen" I explained. "was?" Feitan asked. "She passed away two years ago. After I had learned everything these detectives came to her house and killed her" I explained. "How did you survive?" Chrollo asked me. "I killed them" I replied flatly.

I didn't want to think about that moment again. It was kinda heartbreaking seeing my mentor die in front of me for reasons I didn't even know.

"...sorry for asking" Fei pitied me. "It's fine, I'm sure you have more questions" I changed the subject. "What type of nen user are you?" Chrollo asked me.

I hesitated for a second because I knew about Chrollo's power.

"I'll answer your questions but I will not touch Bandit's Secret or let you see my abilities" I spoke sternly. "Fair enough, just answer my questions" Chrollo calmly spoke. "I'm a conjurer and I can create ice" I explained to Chrollo. "Interesting" Chrollo said to me. "Can I ask some questions now?" I asked Chrollo for permission to do anything: that's how much I respected him. "You can" he replied to me. "How are the other members doing?" I asked him. "We had gotten a new number 4 but he left and Uvo and Pakunoda passed away but other than that, everyone is fine" He briefly explained. "oh" I didn't say anything else.

I didn't think I was the only one who could die in battle. Everyone was so strong compared to me and yet, two members were gone. I just hoped that no one else died.

"You good Y/n?" Phinks asked me.

I held back some tears and nodded. Phinks put his hand on my head.

"It's okay, I miss them too" He comforted me.

I looked up at him and smiled. Although he was really intimidating, Phinks cared about us all and he was really sweet. Phinks quickly removed his hand from the top of my head when he realized Feitan was glaring at him.

Machi's POV

Shizuku and I had just finished a mission and we came back to headquarters.

"We're back" I announced.

Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, and a woman were at headquarters. She wore a black trench coat and Doc Martens. When she turned around, I instantly recognized her.

"Y/n" I said before giving her a huge hug. Shizuku followed me as soon as she saw her.

"I thought you were dead" Shizuku said to her. "It's a long story" Y/n replied.

I quickly let go of Y/n when I remembered that others were around me. I didn't want them to see my vulnerable side.

"Looks like she can be soft" Phinks teased me. "I'll punch you" I shot back quickly, but calmly. "I'm sorry" Phinks said.

Even though I was slightly embarrassed, Phinks was right, I had a soft spot for Y/n. When the Troupe was first created, she was one of my first friends and we used to talk a lot whenever we had spare time. I was happy to know she was alive, even if it was almost impossible for her to be standing in front of me.

"Chrollo we have one spot for another member right?" Shizuku asked him. "We do, why do you ask?" Chrollo asked Shizuku. "Maybe Y/n could take up that spot" she suggested.

We all looked at Y/n and she froze, being put on the spot like that.

"That's a good suggestion, but we need to see how well she can use nen" Chrollo explained.

Y/n probably didn't wanna show off her abilities yet because she didn't want it to be stolen by Chrollo.

"Y/n why don't you show us?" Shizuku asked. "Maybe another time, I'm a little exhausted from work" Y/n said to her.

Feitan's POV

I've never knew Y/n to talk about herself so much. Before she never was this talkative, but I don't think she'd tell us so much if she wasn't questioned by Chrollo.

"Y/n, can you come with me?" I asked her. "Sure" she replied.

I held onto her hand and took her outside and walked her home.

"Sorry, I want to be alone with you" I said to her.

Y/n squeezed my hand.

"I missed you more than you think" she said to me. "I wanna know more about your nen" I said to her. Y/n held her hand up and she made icicles form in her hand. Her other hand: the one I was holding, got colder.

"I can create ice with my nen" she explained. "I see" I said to her.

After a while, we reached a small house. It was hard to believe we were still in York New.

"Well, goodbye Feitan, I'll see you around" Y/n said to me.

I don't know why but I was still mildly upset about Phinks comforting Y/n so I pulled Y/n close to me. My lips met her neck and made a visible mark. I looked at Y/n's face and it was a mixture of pleasure and shock.

"Remember what I said five years ago" Y/n said before going inside of her house. I instantly thought of her saying I love you to me before falling off that cliff.

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