Birthday Message

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Happy happy birthday to my dearest childhood friend that I haven't seen for ages. ? I miss you so mucho Michelle and you know that! ? Sometimes, I could wish to go back to our younger days, be together again and just play throughout the day without thinking lots of problems and worries in life. We were stress-free. Oh, how nice to reminisce those years! It's all I can do to ease the longing. ? Anyways, I wish you a happiness-filled special day with your loved ones and friends and a year full of joy, blessings and achievements. We may not celebrate your birthday together today but I'm holding to the thought that we will see each other soon and make new memories. God knows how I look forward to seeing you again! ? I love you daie Michelle!

I would have included some pictures here (or even a collage one) but we don't have a single picture together yet. How come? Even childhood pics. ? Well, let's take lots of pics when we see each other soon.

Happy happy birthday once again and have a great one!

Yuchae Moon
September 17, 2018

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