I am slowly going insane. As I've said many times... I think it's finally happening. The lack of activities is terrible. All I have done for the past four days was stare at a tree and I have tried to think of ways to getting off of this bloody island.
At the moment, that doesn't seem possible. "Have you come up with anything?" Tink asked from my right. "No." I said. "Well, if we can't think of anything, I guess we're staying." she said, getting up. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Too look for something to get us home." she said. She could try, but it wasn't going to happen.
I haven't seen Peter since he told me about my family and I didn't plan to. Whatever I felt that day, was just a one time thing. l didn't and don't feel anything for Peter, nor will I. I sighed and decided to get some exercise.
While standing up, I put a hand on my back in pain. I guess not moving for four days has it's cons.
All of a sudden, Tinkerbell came out of nowhere. "I know how to get off this island!" She whisper yelled. "What? How?" I asked her. "How could I have not thought about it before? It's brilliant!" she yelled. "What are you talking about Tink? Tell me!" I said.
"Your powers." she said. "My what?" I asked. "Your, you know, Ice powers." she said. "What about them?" I asked. "You can use them to get to the hourglass." she whispered. Maybe it's not me who's going insane. "T-the hour glass. You can freeze it and then Pan's powers will be weakened enough for us to leave." she said. "An hour glass..." I said, disbelievingly. "Well, I suppose it will only take away his youth." she mumbled. "Tinkerbell!" I shouted, snapping her out of her... thoughts. "What is it?" she asked. "How is taking away Pan's youth going to help us?" I asked her. "It's not." she said. "Then wha-" I was cut off by a scream from halfway across the island.
"What was that?" she asked. My eyes widened.
I sprinted through the leaves and trees as I rushed towards Pan's camp that was farther away from where I was than I thought. I didn't hear Tink behind me, so I assumed she wasn't there. I'm on my own. Great.
I reached right outside of Pan's camp and saw Emma instead of the, expected, Wendy. What? She's supposed to be in Storybrooke. I saw her fighting someone, then they fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious. That person just happened to be a lost boy. "Emma!" I called out. She turned to face me as I stepped into the open. "Chelsea" she yelled and ran to me, engulfing me in a hug. "How did you get here?" I asked her. "Hook brought us after Joseph and Ryan didn't return with you." she said.
"You just... came?" I asked. She nodded, "Regina found another bean in her office and got us here. Now, we need to get you out before Pan finds us." she said. "Tinkerbell." I said, remembering the fairy that I left behind. "What?" she asked. "I have to get Tinkerbell. She has done too much for me to leave her behind." I said. She sighed, "Chelsea, there is no time." I smirked and said, "Time's frozen." then sprinted in the direction of Tinkerbell.
"Tink!" I shouted. "Tink!" I called again. "Chelsea." Someone said. I looked to see the one I wanted to see the least in my situation. "P-peter." I stuttered. "Yes, hello Chelsea." he smirked. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked. Very stupid question, but I needed to find Tinkerbell and fast. He was not making it easy. "I can't talk to you?" he asked. "You haven't made an effort for the last four days. Why now?" I responded, sassily. His eyebrows raised and he chuckled. "Did someone miss me?" he asked. I snorted. "Miss you? My life has never been so peaceful." I said. He glared at me. "So, planning on leaving?" he asked. I sighed, I knew that he knew and he knew that I knew that Emma was here. "Peter, don-" "Don't what? Kill anyone? Hurt anyone? I won't. Just go, leave." he snarled. My eyes searched his own for a sign that he was lying, but all I found was anger and something I never thought I'd see. I saw hurt in his eyes. Peter Pan. The ruthless boy who could and would kill someone without a second thought, was hurt. The question was, why?
"What has gotten into you?" I asked him. "Nothing has 'Gotten into me.' I am the same Lost Boy I was when you first got here." he said. "Yes Peter. You are the same mean, ruthless, Evil lost boy you were, but you have become something more." I said. "And what do you suppose that is?" he asked, looking at the ground. "You have become, ever so slightly, caring." I said. His head snapped to look at mine and he quickly walked towards me, causing me to take a step back. His face was two inches from mine when he began to speak. "What do you suppose I care about?" he asked. His eyes were now filled with rage, but the hurt still lingered like the moon in daylight. You can hardly see it, but it's there. I gulped and said, "Me."
He lowly chuckled and put his lips my my ear and said, "What makes you think I care about you?" "You haven't killed me for one thing. You said that I have value to you, but the thing is, I don't. I have nothing to offer you accept powers that I can't control. I am no use to you, yet you keep me alive." I said. "You catch on quickly." he said, slowly turning his head back to mine. His green eyes met mine as he looked deep in thought. My gaze then focused on his full, red lips that were only an inch from mine.
We both leaned in and when our lips were about to touch, Emma shot an arrow at Pan, which he caught, but they used the same method as last time, paralysing Peter, allowing Emma to grab me and take me to the ship. "But Tinkerb-" I started, then was cut off my Emma, "I found her while you were busy smooching Pan." she said. "I was doing no such thing!" I yelled. I was telling the truth. If she wouldn't have ruined the moment, I would have kissed him; I wanted to very badly as well. Damn you Emma.
We reached the ship and climbed aboard. "Pan is paralyzed. Get us back before it wears off." she said. I ignored all the questions and comments everyone made and made my way under the deck and sat on a bench that I had found.
That was too easy. Way too easy. Pan will find a way to get to Storybrooke. But how was Regina able to find another bean? I thought they were all destroyed.
I'm so stupid. He probably wanted me gone. I was a fool to think he cared for me. I blinded myself with the feelings I had for him. I know I said they were a one time thing, but now I'm starting to think otherwise. I don't love Peter. That's not it. I can no longer deny that I do have feeling for him. I just don't know if they are those kind of feelings. By 'those' I mean, like like. I probably make no sense. You can't blame me. I've spent the last... four?... months on an island. I just can- my iPod. Oh my gosh. I quickly sprinted to the deck and found Emma. "I didn't grab my iPod." I told her. I had left it by my cot in the camp. "What?" she asked. "My damn iPod. I left it." I said, putting a hand on my forehead and holding back tears. "We can get you a new one." she said. I shook my head. I didn't want a new one. I wanted my iPod. The one I had going through all of this...nonsense. "We can't get it now. We are almost in Storybrooke." she said, as if she would have stopped to go back for it even if we had just left; which she wouldn't.
"We're going through the portal now." Hook said. I grabbed onto the nearest post and held on tightly. I squeezed my eyes as an enormous gush of wind blew my, then faded. I opened my eyes to see the dock coming closer. I was so happy to be home that I had started crying.
I quickly ran off the boat and passed the crowd. I searched for my small home next to Mr. Gold's pawn shop. Once I found it, I ran inside to see that everything was the same as it was since I had left. I sat on my red couch and smiled. I'm back home.
I woke the next morning to a loud bang on my door. I yawned and stretched before opening it to see Emma. I smiled. "Morning Emma." I said.
She looked at me with sympathetic and sad eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I'm sorry to say this," she started. "Say what?" I asked.
"You're under arrest."

✓|Escape Route » ouat peter pan
Fanfiction[A NEVERLAND TALE] "What are those?" "Earbuds" "What are those...?" "They make it so when I play music only I can hear it" "How" All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014 | Pinkars