Party and Vice President

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Alex Pov:

I bought the cheapest suit, but it fits me quite well, or that's what I think, I have never wear any suits in my life.

Well, its 7pm, in 15 minutes class C has decided to meet in front of the disco to prepare everything for the party.

So, I started walking in the direction of the disco. While on my way I can see a lot of gazes directed in my direction.

Does my suit make me look weird? Well, who cares I like it.

After 5 minutes I find myself in front of the disco while no one is here, it looks like I will have to wait alone, or that's what I thought until I see a loli with white hair coming in my direction with her dog and bodyguards.

Sakayanagi: Oh, my Alex, you look fabulous. It seems I will have to dress quite formally for the party.

Alex: You don't have to, because in my eyes don't matter what you wear you will be beautiful.

I decided to tease her, which seems to work as I see her with a blush on her face, while Kamuro looks at me with a disgusting look.

Seems only Sakayanagi finds it funny my tease.

Sakayanagi: I will take my leave now Alex, I hope you haven't forgot about the dance you promised me.

Alex: Never, see you later.

And like that they started walking off.

So, I waited patiently for a few minutes, until the clock marked 7:15pm and everyone was here.

I must admit that everyone went a little crazy shopping seeing how they were dressed, all of them were very formal, guys with suits and girls with different dresses.

The good thing is that thanks to my classmates, I wouldn't attract too much attention.

After preparing everything for 40 minutes, we decided to rest for a few minutes before people started to come. If class D is a little bit intelligent, they will send someone to gather information, I mean most of the first-year students will be coming and surely some people will start giving out information without them realising it.

We decided, to put Albert outside to gather the fee of the party and I told him that any problem directly to Ryuen, if Ryuen needed help, he would call me.

Without much of a surprise, the first ones to arrive are class 1B students, in front of them Ichinose.

40k in the pocket already, once they were inside the disco, they saw us talking, some of my classmates were already dancing, some were drinking non-alcoholic drinks, which obviously were free for us but not for them.

Without wasting time, the class B students started presenting themselves to us, although I am with Ryuen and Ibuki in a table in the middle of the disco.

Alex: So, tell me Ibuki, why are you not dancing?

Ibuki: To be honest, I'm not a very good dancer so I prefer being seated or talking to people than embarrassing myself.

Alex: Oh, I see, what about you Ryuen?

Ryuen: I'm too tired right now, afterwards you will see me surely dancing.

Ichinose: And what about you Alex, don't you dance?

Ryuen and Ibuki looked at Ichinose before looking back at me.

Alex: Oh, hello there Ichinose, well I am like Ibuki, I am not very good at dancing, so I prefer to seat down and relax.

Ichinose: I see, well thank you for organising this party, and I hope to see you all dancing afterwards.

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