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Horikita Pov:

After the special test finished, I went and asked my classmates how it went, and they answered that we won.

How did we end up first?

But the thing that took most of my attention were their faces, they weren't happy about winning, they were shocked.

Horikita: Did anything else happen while I was away?

Hirata: Yes, it did.

Horikita: What?

Hirata: Class C was promoted to class A thanks to him.

Wait a second, what did he just say?

Class C was promoted to class A?

Horikita: Who is him and how did it happen?

Hirata: They call him the king, but I think his name was Alex, although no one knows how he did it.

I couldn't help but remember my conversation, "he is just the king", "everything he says happens", "surprise".

So, this is what you meant.

I turned around and started to look for Ayanokoji and Ichinose.

After a few minutes I found Ayanokoji.

Horikita: How did you do it?

Ayanokoji explained to me his plan, but he seemed distracted.

Horikita: What is it?

Ayanokoji: He saw right through my plan.

Horikita: He?

Ayanokoji: Alex Rose.

Horikita: What do you mean by that?

Ayanokoji: Horikita, I didn't say anything to anyone or made any movements until the last minute. Yet he already predicted this. He is very dangerous Horikita. Maybe the more dangerous student in all the school.

Horikita: Are you serious?

Ayanokoji: Yes.

Horikita: Just who is he?

Ayanokoji: That's an excellent question Horikita.

After the short conversation I left to look for Ichinose.

After a little walk, I found her in the cafeteria but with Alex and Ryuen.

Ichinose: Oh, hello Horikita.

Alex: Hello there.

I didn't and just stared at Alex.

Ichinose: Do you need anything Horikita?

I decided to sit down.

Ryuen: kukukuku, make yourself at home.

Horikita: How did you do it?

Alex: What do you mean?

Horikita: You know what I'm talking about.

Alex: I have no idea, Ryuen and Ichinose any ideas?

Ryuen: kukukuku, I wonder.

Ichinose: No clue.

Horikita: How did you reach class A?

Alex: Oh, you mean that, it was nothing.

Did he just said that reaching class A was nothing?

Horikita: Ichinose, is this what you meant by saying that he was a king?

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