Special Test and Surprise

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Alex Pov:

Yesterday Ichinose joined our classroom, so now I must protect her, but I really like that she joined the classroom. Her popularity will be very useful and having her good personality will be very nice for the class atmosphere.

Right now, I'm in the cafeteria having breakfast with Albert and Ryuen, when Ibuki, Ichinose and Shiina enter the cafeteria. I wave my hand and they make their way over to our table.

Ibuki: Good morning

Alex: Good morning, how did you sleep Ichinose?

Ichinose: Good morning, I slept very good actually, by the way the thing you said about a test coming up today, are you sure?

Alex: I'm 90% sure.

Ibuki: So, then it's going to happen, dammit, I was having fun here in the cruise without doing anything.

Shiina: Yeah, I feel the same way.

Alex: Don't worry, I told you that I was going to let you have holidays, so don't worry about this test.

Ichinose: What do you mean that its going to happen then?

Ibuki: Oh, its true that you are new, well whenever Alex says he is sure more than 50%, then its going to happen.

Shiina: Yeah, all the class knows this.

Ichinose: Wow, you trust Alex a lot.

Ibuki: You will as well soon, I'm sure about that.

Ichinose: But I already trust Alex.

Ibuki: Just wait, you will understand what we mean.

Shiina and Albert started nodding.

We started talking about casual things during breakfast until there was a summoning to all the students in the cruise.

Once in the beach, we were separated, and of course when Ichinose went to our class space all the classes except class B didn't understand why.

Sakagami: Good morning class, and of course welcome to class C Ichinose.

And when people heard that, gasps and exclamations started sounding from all the classes except class B.

Chabashira: What do you mean by that? Did she change classes?

Sakagami: Yes, the director said it was a special case and she just had to pay 1 million points.

After seeing that everyone was here, they explained how the special test was going to work.

And we were told that we must stay in this island for one week. And we were given 300 points but there was a rule that seem just too interesting.

If the actual leader is not capable of continue the exam, the leader can be change.

I look around and notice the pale face and sweat of Horikita. Symptoms of illness. How would they play this?

After the explanation we were left on our own for the rest of the week.

Alex: Gather around guys.

Everyone gathered around Ryuen, Ichinose and me.

Alex: Good, now do you remember what I told you guys?

Ibuki: that you will lets us rest and have fun during the holidays.

Alex: Exactly, so now we have 300 points to spend like we want, so ready to have some fun?

All the class yelled yes which seemed weird for the rest of the classes.

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