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(Y/n) pov
I layed down on my bed thinking about what happened yesterday with meeting Qrow and everything "He did save me, but what gives him the right to talk about the tribute of the village!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air, I rolled over to my side and rested my hands by my chest "It's not like I demanded to be repaid, they chose to do it. Besides if it wasn't for me this town would be long gone!" I shouted and jumped off my bed knocking my mask into the main room in the process. "Sigh"
I made my way into the room and picked up my mask when I heard something strange coming from outside, I walked over to the main door in hopes to hear it more clearly.
I pressed my head against the wall and waited for another sound when I heard twigs snapping "Is that Qrow did he follow me again or did somebody else?" just as I uttered those words I heard a faint growling.

"Look out" I heard just before my wall exploded knocking me away in the process as something came barrelling through.
I landed down on the wooden table hard breaking it in half.

"Wha-" I regained my senses and saw "Grimm!" a beowolf with a piece of the wall stuck on it's head was standing just a few feet in to my side.
I got up from the floor and scanned the room for my sword, I saw it beside my bed but the grimm was in my way and it had just ripped the wall piece from it's head and turned it's attention to me.
It leaped at me but I teleported out the way as the grimm crashed into the torn up couch on the other side of the room, I grabbed my sword and unsheathed it from it's sheath.
The grimm attempted to leap at me again but I teleported to it's right and side and decapitated it.
I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding in as the grimm faded into dust "What was a grimm doing here?" it then hit me beowolf's travel in packs "And if there not here then-"
I quickly ran out the hole the beowolf had made and look in the direction of the town.
The sight was nothing short of horrific as grimm overran the town, I could the loud screams from the people as the grimm tore through everything they had."I-I have to do something!" I ran back inside and grabbed the white mask before rushing out again in the direction of the town.

Once I arrived at the town I could see the situation better than before.
The town had descended into pure chaos as bodies littered the streets, houses set ablaze by the lantern lights that hung from each house, grimm tearing through the streets searching for anybody to eat.
I ran into the town cutting down any grimm I could find in hopes to somehow save the town but with each lifeless body I saw or each should get snuffles out by the grimm I felt a feeling of guilt and hopelessness build up inside me.
I was supposed to protect these people and I was failing.

Why were there so many grimm, why now? What could I possibly do against so many?
Where the thoughts running through my head as I sliced through the grimm.

No pov
"You need to focus" a voice said, you stopped to find the source but before you could you were roughly hit in the stomach by a boartusk which sent you flying into a wall.
The impact of which knocked the air out your lungs, as you gasped and tried to regain your breath the boartusk curled up into a ball and spun in place to gain speed before throwing itself in your direction.
You couldn't find the strenght to stand but you teleported behind the boartusk just in time as it crashed through the wall and into a pillar which brought the whole house down crushing it inside.

(Y/n)'s pov
I felt fresh air flow through my lungs again giving me the strength to stand up again just as a horde of grimm descended on me.
The first beowolf swung at me, I took a step back and dogde the swipe and returned the favor by severing the grimm's arm and then it's head, I teleported onto another's back and ran my blade through it's skull and jumped off just as the third beowolf leaped at me but only ended up crashing into the second one's corpse, just as I landed one clawed me in the back but my aura took the air, I swung around and cleaved it's head in two but I put too much force into my swing and left myself wide open for another hit which a smaller grimm took advantage of and struck me in the face breaking a piece of my mask off and knocking my hood away.
Before I could recompone myself I felt a hard tug that pulled me down to the ground and made me drop my sword, I panicked and looked around wildly to find my sword but instead I saw the beowolf had caught a large portion of my hair in it's jaw and pulled me down in the first place.
I spotted my sword and reached for it only to get another hard tug on my head as the beowolf pulled me away from my weapon "Get off me!" I shouted in vain as the beowolf continued to pull me away from my weapon and closer to the other grimm it was with. "No! Let go!" I tried grabbing the grimm's mouth to burn it but I was out of reach, running out of options I felt my heart race a thousand miles a minute along with my brain thinking of any way out the situation I started reaching for anything to help when my hand grazed a rock.
I immediately snapped to attention and managed to grab a big enough stone, even though it really hurt I rolled onto my stomach and pulled myself along my hair and bashed the grimm where the nose would be, it stopped the grimm long enough for me to get on my knees and bash it in the eye which it then finally released it's hold on my hair as it reeled back and holwed in pain.
I teleported over to my sword but before grabbing it I turned around ready to throw my rock at the grimm charging at me.
Just as I readied my throw I felt a strange energy flow through my body, through my chest and down my right arm and out my fingers.
I threw the rock at the beowolf, as the rock travelled through the air I saw a faint green glow before it cut through the beowolf, it collapsed onto the ground with a burning hole through it's head "Wow" I stopped to look at my hand as faint smoke gave off my finger tips before fading entirely "What just - wah!" I jumped back just as another grimm clamped it's jaws on where I was standing, I grabbed my sword and teleported out the way and onto a nearby roof top. "No sneak att-" I heard the wood underneath crack before it gave way and I fell through the roof and back onto the ground, I tried getting back up but a large piece of wood landed on me.
The rest of the pack slowly made they're way towards and I tried pushing the piece of wood off to free myself but it was too heavy to move.
But I kept trying until I felt a piece of slobber land on my cheek, I look above me and saw the beowolf directly in my face.

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