2 Year Anniversary

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So two years wow, I've been at this for two years.
It feels kind of silly to celebrate such an event and I crying inside when I think to how I made an anniversary chap but ah fuck it.
First things first I would like to thank everyone who stuck around during my almost year of inactivity.
Second I would also like to thank and welcome all of the new followers I gained during this second year which is surprisingly more than the first lot.

It's funny really during my first year where I was hammering out atleast 5 chaps a month I gained 456 followers which isn't bad not at all (though I'm not sure how many are still around).
But during the second year, a year where I was hardly posting I reached 1.05K followers which means I gained around 600 followers this year and it's.... yeah staggering to see that... Also a little confusing and funny.
Everyone else had told me it's probably because I had content already made and I had already gained a following which help me stand out I guess.

So onto the big issue plaguing this year and my activity.... life really likes to kick you in the balls.
Seriously like this year everytime a bad event finally passed I got kicked with another: horrible heat during summer time to the point I couldn't think, horrible car crash in October, then I get my mojo back for writing in December only to discover one if my stories had been banned without me knowing which I admit is a little discouraging, then two big family things which i prefer not to talk about.

But while it would be easy to blame the entire year of inactivity on that.... It's not the full reason (probably)
I think the second biggest problem I had was...... taking myself way to seriously in these stories.

"But your stories are stupid!"
Yes, yes I know, you back of the crowd over there.
While yes my stories are pretty stupid, I say I take them too seriously because I create these way more complex stories than they need to be each one containing some overall theme or point I want to get across.
And for those curious what those themes are without me spoiling too much here they are:

Ghoul bnha:the idea of changing your nature to fit in with others, to force yourself to play by another's rules

Sao:Escapism,using a another world to escape from a tragedy.

Main aot and demon slayer (they don't have that much different from eachbother) : the human will to survive no matters the odds

Moonlight rwby:the simple idea of becoming more than what others envisioned for you.

Star wars x rwby: This story will be explaining an aspect of the hero ideology that most stories don't want to dwelve into, addiction.

Now sure that's not all the stories but more the ones with big themes of course most of my stories have themes of abuse, depression among other things.

So I hope do I plan to fix that wellllll..... I don't know, right now I think just having a story that I take a little less seriously which I've decided which already.

So do I have anything else to say other than excuses to why I've been inactive, ang plans to share?

And to that I say YES.

While I'm not making a new story to celebrate..... not yet.
I know now how we're going to get through this year and it will be different and maybe annoying to some...

I had this idea back in January but thought it was too slow for some stories and it might make some people feel like they're stories were being abandoned.
But now I have no choice from now on I'm going to doing stories  monthly.

And you might be thinking "One chapter a month?! How's that any better?!"

It's not.... Which is why I meant something different.
By monthly I mean I will focus on one story or stories which are in the same universe.

How things work usually is I write what I feel like, which has it's benefits but they're outweighed by the downsides.
This method helps me stay focused on a certain story for a month so I might be able to get multiple chapters out and when that month ends I'll spend a week to completely reset myself and focus on a new story.

Now I do have a list for the next few months, sadly for those of you who requested some of my smaller stories you'll have to wait:

June-I'll dedicate what's left of this month to whatever though focus on rwby
August-Demon slayer
September-Attack on Titan
October-- Overlord.

Of course we can put this up to a vote if anyone is interested in that instead of this order.

And after September I thought maybe I could put it up to a vote, out of all my stories which should go next.
Ideally I hope people would vote for the less popular stories but I know it's unlikely so they might get bonus points.
So say October comes you all have a choice on what stories comes next, it's a bit unfair because there's more support for some over others but hey nothing i do is close to well done or thought out.

And i didn't really want to do this but here's the comparison between the first and second year :
First year:
Gain 458 followers
Write 114 chaps not including harem pages or random updates.
Start 10 stories with two discontinued

Now let's compare that to this year
Gain around 600 followers
Write 32 chaps
Start 5 stories with 1 discontinued
Got one story banned

So yeah.... Not exactly the best comparison, I was definitely more active before, but I hope that while the quantity went the quality went up.
Though if I did have one complaint is... I feel like interaction kinda went down in the second year aswell which is kinda sad but nothing I can change, I can't force people to say anything

I guess that's all I think the only thing left to say is.... thank you for reading and I look forward to a better third year with you all.
Love you guys xx

"Maiden Of The Moonlight" Futa harem x Shortstack cat faunus reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now