2.An Offer You Can't Refuse

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(Y/n) 's pov
"If you want to live despite the consequences it will bring take my hand"a voice said to me as a hand floated in front of me, everything felt numb and I could feel a creeping cold creep all over my body, the hand in front of me was emitting a warmth I so desperately wanted so I listened and grabbed the hand "You're gonna live a life you can be proud of"

I opened my eyes and saw the familiar sight of my ceiling, I realised I was under my covers in my bed "Was it all a dream?" I tried getting out of bed but as I stretched I collapsed from a dull pain in my side.
I pulled back the covers and saw bandages wrap around my waist and stomach with a dull red color by where I was impaled "It wasn't a dream, but then who took me back?"
I carefully got out of my bed and eased myself towards the door, I grabbed the door hinge but I heard talking coming from the other side and stopped myself before I opened it.
I pressed my ear against the door to listen in on whoever was outside my room "She's the real deal Oz, should have seen how she just absolutely wiped out that grimm"

"I'm going to check up on her" one of them said, I heard them move closer and panicked, getting away from the wall I looked to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself if need be, but all I could find was clothes and other useless junk in on the floor.

'Where's my sword?!?' I shouted in my head looking all over for the damn thing but before I could find anything the door swung open.

I spun around and saw a blonde haired woman standing in the door frame, she lifted her head and our eyes met "You're awake" she said surprised.
I took a step back and averted her gaze, it was the first time in a while I was seeing somebody face to face, she took a step forward and took one back only I trip over a random ball sitting on the floor, I closed my eyes ready to hit the floor but the impact never came.
I opened my eyes again saw I was floating in mid-air, I peeked over to the blonde woman and saw she was glowing purple holding a thin black riding crop in her right hand.
I was slowly lowered to the floor and placed down on the ground.
The woman approached me and I backed up until I hit my bed and I must moved wrong because I groaned in pain. "Hey I'm not here to hurt you" she said unconvincingly.
I didn't know her and I didn't have my sword to defend myself and to top it of I was hurt.
The woman paused as if she didn't know how to deal with the situation until somebody placed their hand on her hand.

"Don't worry kid. As scary as she looks she's not gonna eat you..... Hopefully"

"Qrow!!" the woman said through gritted teeth as Qrow appeared behind her throwing me a quick mocking salute.
Seeing Qrow did ease the situation a bit because I'm sure if he wanted to kill me he would've done it already so if he knew this person then hopefully she was like him. "Don't go around saying such absurd things!" she said with a faint red tint on her cheeks.

Glynda's pov
"Oh why embarrassed?" he replied back grinning,I was about to retort but stopped when heard the girl start giggling to herself.
Despite how quiet she was trying to be it was loud enough for me to hear, it sounded so innocent and joyful, I couldn't help but think it was cute.But then I had to turn my attention back to Qrow "See Glynda that's how you do it. Get them to laugh"

As we all walked out into the living room the girl kept her head down preferring to look at the floor as she walked, I took my place behind the sofa Ozpin was sitting on, Qrow jumped into the arm chair on the side and the girl sat on the arm chair opposite Ozpin though as she sat down she pulled her legs onto the arm chair and hugged her knees to her chest effectively curling herself into a ball.
There was a plate of cookies laying on the table that sat between Ozpin and the girl but she made no move to grab one.
"Who are you people?" she asked with a soft voice that also held some reservation in it.

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